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Biden just announces....he won't run. we go!

pamagain 8 July 21

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Poling had shown many would support Kamila were she to run. I think Biden should have stayed in the race and then pass the baton on to Kamila at some point. A journalist once wrote that if a dishrag were to run against tRump she would vote for the dishrag. Many, concerned people fell the same. One report had Kamila on par with Biden in popularity. This should not be a personality contest. It is about the direction the whole country and much of the world would go if the orange anus gets in.


A friend and I just had a helluva good time thinking about Biden's remaining time as Prez and how he can send the Secret Service or even the FBI out to do some real mischief (heh heh heh) to Biden because....drum roll....he has IMMUNITY now!


Have fun Americans. Hugs.


Let's see if AOC's predictions hold. She said that the GOP will litigate this to SCOTUS and we've seen that movie before with Gore.

Did AOC predict some kind of harm the GOP would experience?

Unless the GOP is harmed, it has no standing in a court.

@yvilletom In a normal courtroom with an honest judge, that might fly. Only a portion of the judges perform honorably, and the GOP need only find a few that will do their bidding.

@racocn8 There are many honest judges. There are also many lawsuits being thrown out because plaintiffs lack standing.

@racocn8 What good would a lawsuit bring if Biden refuses to run?

@racocn8 The GOP only need a few judges or even just one who will refuse so it can be appealed to SCOTUS.

@pamagain The lawsuit would be filed by the GOP protesting Dems trying to get a new ticket on a state ballot. They'd claim it caused ingrown toenails or a comparable excuse. The same SCOTUS that invalidated Section 14 would pull another excuse out of their ass supporting the GOP and throwing the election to the GOP, again.

All this may well be the GRU's strategy all along.

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