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I heard an interesting idea yesterday. And while I do not support her politics at all, I realized it might be good for the U. S. if Harris were to ask Liz Cheney to be her running mate. It would be an acknowledgement that perhaps the most dangerous thing my country faces is its extreme partisanship and serve as example of putting healing and democracy before any other issues. I don't know if it's a good idea or not.
I am very progressive and were it not for how divided my country is and her anti-Trump stance I would not support Liz Cheney. But given the current state of affairs I think it might be a healing moment. What does everyone think?

towkneed 7 July 23

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I think she should absolutely pick a white male conservative with anti Trump cred. I don't think Liz Cheney fits the bill.


interesting, but unity does have its limits i suppose. gotta keep the kumbaya expectations in check.


I'm as progressive as they come, in fact I am openly socialist, supported Bernie twice, but have now given up on him, as just a compliant sheepdog, who the Dems keep in the news for show, to make the party look less corrupt than the Repubs, even tho he isn't even a Dem, technically. As for Cheney, while I admire her courage and integrity, for standing up to Trump, for whatever motives she had for that, both hidden and not, I don't trust her enough to support her for that sort of office, and I have nothing in common with her on policy. Should her and Harris be on some sort of unity ticket? I really doubt that is a good idea, as it would probably lose to Trump, simply on existing sexism, which would doom any ticket with two women on it. I was hoping she would run as an independent or third party candidate, even if I didn't support her, because she would be a breath of fresh air, in a field of major party candidates who had no integrity, when it came to standing up to their party leaders. I really don't think having her on a ticket with Harris, would attract any Never Trumper-Haley Repubs, so I see no benefit from picking her, if the goal is beating Trump..

I also disagree with all Cheney's policies. Vehemently. However I think the biggest problem our country faces is the constant othering and dehumanizing of each other based on politics. And you may be right. However I do think this would get most of the never Trumpers, disagree with you on that. And I think it would really make a difference based on sexism. Anyone sexist enough to refuse to vote for Harris when they don't want Trump would probably consider any male politician in a subsidiary position weak. I think the dynamic would turn off misogynists just as much as having a 2 woman ticket. Harris could pick Cheney for a first term and present examples of adults disagreeing amicably and effect some healing of our extreme partisanship and othering. She could pick someone else for a second term to continue her legacy, and if she didn't win a second term it probably wouldn't matter that Cheney was her first term VP. And I don't really see Cheney as dangerous since she will always work through our democratic framework and probably wouldn't be able to realize anything very far right. But best of all would be Trump loosing to them.
Also, while I think Trump was strong against Biden, I don't think he would be against Harris. As a convicted criminal running against a former prosecutor who is openly misogynistic and not so secretly racist, I think he's fundamentally weak against Harris. As long as she goes on the attack and makes no major gaffs

@towkneed Frankly, I don't think anyone can overestimate the sexism and racism among voters out there, so I think that any ticket headed by Harris is probably going to lose to Trump, just not as badly as Biden would have lost..


She needs a middle of the road politically, articulate straight white guy.

Personally I like Mark Kelly.

Agreed, any white guy from a battleground state, would be my pick. I really wish the nominee were Whitmer, rather than Harris, because she would be way better heading the ticket. But Biden and the party may have gone with Harris, simply because it was easier, smoother, and it would allow the transfer of the campaign money from Biden to her..

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