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So, lucky for me i live in a very blue state, Connecticut.
The guy in the worst-kept house on the street has decided to redo his own roof, the scaffolding has been up for over a month now and he has gotten maybe 1/3 done, plus it is readily apparent from the ground that he has No Idea how to flash around a chimney, so it's going well......
Anyway, i thought he had hung a Trump flag on his house. It is exactly like a trump flag in coloring and layout, but he hung it so steeply that unless the wind blows it is impossible to read.
Today i had the opportinity.
It demands we elect Jesus 2024 and make the country "Godly" again.
I had no idea he was gonna be on the ballot.......

annewimsey500 7 July 24

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Screw his Jesus endorsement. I prefer the one I saw around a lot last time, which endorsed "Any Functioning Adult" for president..., which excluded both Trump and Biden..


Imagine Trump's ugly face. That is your brain on religion.

When you're right, you're right, jeebus trumps drump anytime!

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