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It's no longer good apple vs rotten orange. Now it's good prosecutor vs convicted felon.

(It's still democracy vs fascism. That part hasn't changed.)

Flyingsaucesir 8 July 25

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The one thing that hasn't changed s how close this race still is. I don't understand why. Trump's whole agenda is completely self serving and benefits only the wealthy and big business. No one in the middle class will benefit in any way from a Trump presidency and yet,TENS OF MILLIONS of middle class republicans are salivating to vote this shitbag into office. If Trump wins, they're all just as screwed as the rest of us.

They love him and cheer him on but I have to wonder if they'll still feel that way if he wins once he's taken away their health insurance, Medicare and Social Scurity benefits.

Jesus, republicans are effing stupid.

Organized religion is a big factor here. Evangelical Christians have been chipping away at the educational system for years, pushing an irrational, anti-science, anti-progress agenda. The whole push for school vouchers and home schooling is an attempt to de-fund public education. In its place they want (and are getting) religious indoctrination. They're training youths that its ok to take things on faith alone, believe things where there is no supporting evidence. And this is the result: a significant portion of the electorate that can't think its way out of a paper bag.

@Flyingsaucesir I think you're 100% correct and it's all that that what makes them so stupid. I think the republican party was created so all the dumbest and most ignorant voters could assemble under one party.

@Sgt_Spanky To be fair, the Republican Party is no longer the party of Abe Lincoln. It's Trump's party now, a Christo-fascist cult of authoritarian personality. Not at all what Lincoln had in mind.

@Flyingsaucesir From your mouth to God's...nevermind.



"You're Fired!" - Ha! could happen?

I think Trump made a grave tactical error on picking Vance for his VP. With Vance, Trump doubled down on the extremist MAGA agenda, delighting the base but bringing in no swing voters. Now let's enjoy watching the crab-walking MAGAts get hoisted on their own petard.


We live in interesting times, just now it is a tad less horrifying.

I think we have a slightly better chance of keeping a criminal gang from taking over the country now than we did a week ago. 😎👍

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