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Two days ago ...

snytiger6 9 July 27

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This is no surprise, The SCOTUS majority had already announced this was the plan when they overturned Row V Wade.


Imagine devoting your life to destroying families. "Satan does his finest work in the name of Our Lord."


Unhappy people have to make other people unhappy.


Going after the Jews first would be too obvious... so the neo-fascists (Nazis) plan to go after the LGBT+ community first ... They will eventually get around to all the other minorities ...

Nobody has ever seen this kind of thing before of course.......
Absolutely disgusting!

I agree, the straight libs, will be the last group they come for, as even by then, most of them will still feel safe, from being white, privileged, and having money. But by then, it will be too late for them, as the poor, colored folks, immigrants, etc, will already be in camps, deported, or dead. The remaining libs will be way outnumbered by then, by the cops and military..

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