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From the ads and campaign statements that Republican candidates and operatives are putting out for candidates for national offices, it is very apparent that they know that they cannot win on standards of behavior such as honesty, truthfulness, caring, accomplishments , and integrity . Instead, they are focusing on false labels and vulgar language, and obnoxiously and crudely false charges of Democratic candidates. They call Democratic candidates socialists, leftists, radical when they act to promote government of, by, and for all our people.

The only extreme behavior being shown in our political process is being shown by the irrational and rabid reactionary right in their attempts to create such chaos that effective government grinds to a halt. There is nothing patriotic, rational, honest, or sincere in their words of actions.

wordywalt 9 July 29

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Why do you think "socialists, leftists," are vulgar? Misinformed, yes, vulgar, no.

The teremsIwasreferringtowere scatalogicaland other crude statments.

@wordywalt Where did those terms appear?

Last, try using your space bar.


In other words, they are digging down to new lows.

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