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I am really enjoying this. The Dems have gone from, "Please, you've got to vote for a tired old man to stop Trump." to "We're coming for you Mr Trump!" First time since Obama I'm seeing genuine enthusiasm for a Dem POTUS candidate! Go Kamala!

Druvius 8 July 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I think a lot of us feel the same way. I for one, would love to see a debate between Kamala, a former prosecuting attorney and Trump a former (and still) a criminal.

I'd love to see it too, but I doubt he will debate her. He'll come up with some bullshit, lame excuse to dodge her, late in the schedule before the date of it. Probably something along the line of saying she was demanding unfair conditions, or that the moderators were not acceptable to him, etc.. But never willing to say that she might get the better of him in a debate..

@TomMcGiverin Or the simple fact she is a woman and, in his book, women are for one thing only (but only if he finds her his type).

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