I wouldn’t think boys that young could even please a woman…..
Dude! Some women enjoy acting as an educator. But they gotta be of age. By then they learn from the internet. What age shall we agree on? 18? Paternal consent? More government control? Difference between hormones. How do we vent those hormonal rampages thru our youth without life long consequences? Trans gender opens another whole bunch of questions. I have no answers because I am a member of the Know-Nothing Party.
I don’t see where trans complicates things any. I don’t see people being born with the wrong genitalia as any different than someone being born with a hole in their heart, or an extra toe, or any other birth defect. It’s funny that christians are willing to give god a pass on any of the number of other birth abnormalities their so called mistake free god makes. But when someone is born gay or trans, we can’t have that…..
If god doesn’t make mistakes, someone should explain where Oompah Loompah came from?!