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I originally sent this under politics but it didn’t seem to go through.
We all know how tRump and his enablers have screamed about how the vote was stolen. To my mind this false idea gives them the right to return the supposed election to do ones of their own. Now with Kamala in the running and the renewed energy and hope she has brought will cause the republicans to double their effort to put blocks in our pathway. Now the latest from, of course, Georgia.

pedigojr 6 Aug 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Having embraced a traitor for Russia and indifferent to sedition, these fake Americans have attacked our country on numerous levels. The following link shows one group, but they are dwarfed by the destruction wrought by the Heritage Foundation.


Interesting as I just read in the June/July issue of Freethought Today a long speech by one Amanda Tyler about how many Christians are against the Christian Nationalist movement. She won an award from FFRF. I could get you the talk if you wanted but looked up her group: [] These nutjobs trying to make this a Christian Country don't have the brains to understand just what that means. The world went through a period (and some countries still are) called the reformation trying to decide which Christian dogma was the true dogma.

I get that not all Christians are complete lunatics. However, Christians who have access to all the information regarding their religion, must still maintain a significant level of delusion, and thus, disrespect for the rest of their fellow citizens. People have a duty to not be assholes. I get that my expectations are unrealistic. The number of Christians denouncing Christian Trumpers is far too tiny.


It did already go through in the politics category!

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