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I am totally disheartened in my efforts to share what I have found to be true regarding politics and religion and have any effect on the religious or the misguided followers of Trump. Often I am very soft on my questions and ask if they really believe the factual reports. They seem to have the skills to divert, ignore, or distort the conversation and have no misgivings. Has anyone been even marginally successful?

Episto 3 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I have found that to be my case as well. My hope for November being a landslide has been greatly reduced.


Sounds like you are describing the Democratic party

gater Level 7 May 8, 2018

You can't reason with ignorance .


it is almost like challenging a delusion


I sure haven't and it seems the more you press the issue the more ridiculous they get in defense of their guy.


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.


No, pretty much just lots of excuses. That speaks loudly in and of itself, sadly.


Sorry but you sound misguided, Trump is great for this country and the world.

gater Level 7 May 8, 2018


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