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Anti-drug agency says US, not China, guilty of doping athletes
Golly gee! Who would have thought it would be "One rule for us, one for all else" in this dysfunctional US led "Rules based order" world we are stuck in.

puff 8 Aug 9

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I checked the posts of this organization and they all seem to be propaganda that is pro-Iran, Russian or Chinese....

It's called non American news. What the rest of the world views. besides, go confirm from the wada website if you don't trust.

@puff I suggest you check it yourself as much on the list of "prohibited substances" are ridiculous.... banning cannabis?.... Or how about medications for heart problems and diabetes? You have got to be fucking kidding.... Russians have been known since the communist era for using steroids along with other communist countries yet never seem to be made a fuss about....
Oh and while we are at it how about false positives for common foods like poppy seed muffins or energy drinks?....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Try the testing regime of athletes at these games and by percentage who fails mostly. You do understand the USSR is no more? i don't think you do.

@puff They never stopped doing it in Russia and still much of the time get a free pass which you as a Russian troll know full well.... Also many of their satellite countries have a tradition of steroid use for their athletes as well... Yet still you avoid the main problem of ridiculous items on the list as well as false positives....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Some of your politicians want the US to have the right to test athletes from any country, separate from wada. Oh please do pass that legislation as the IOC will take the Olympics off Los Angels in 2028.
Having a hard time not being top dog anymore are we lol. Get used to it.
Heard of Flo-Jo, Armstrong?

@puff Accusations and no evidence of doping dumbass.... Typical Russian deflection on your part with Flo-Jo...
After her death in 1998, Prince Alexandre de Merode, who held the controversial position as chairman of the International Olympic Committee's medical commission,[57] claimed that Griffith Joyner was singled out for extra, rigorous drug testing during the 1988 Olympic Games following rumors of steroid use. De Merode told The New York Times that Manfred Donike, who was at that time considered to be the foremost expert on drugs and sports, failed to discover any banned substances during that testing.[58] The World Anti-Doping Agency was created in the 1990s, removing control of drug testing from the IOC and De Merode. De Merode later stated: "We performed all possible and imaginable analyses on her. We never found anything. There should not be the slightest suspicion."[47]"

Armstrong on the other hand was caught and stripped of all his medals and wins in competitions he was one of a small minority... Every country has a few bad actors but Russian influenced countries have always been state supported in their abuse of steroids...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz The Chinese are clean in 2024. Sour grapes makes you look pathetic and is one area where Australia outperforms the US. Disgraceful their attitude towards fellow Olympians.

@puff Are they or is there a substance NOT being tested for?.... How about the FACT that the Chinese as well as Russia use state supported athletes that have now other jobs except to train constantly?... These are technically "professional" and not amateurs... Also you might want to keep in mind that the Chinese have a culture based on cheating their way to success which resulted in rioting when their school system tried to stop it a few years back.... This makes my suggestion far more likely. Also I have worked with the Chinese here in the US and the ones who are born here are very honest and hard working people but those that come here are corrupt scumbags who would cheat their own mothers to make an extra buck as well as incompetent at anything they try to do...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Which is obviously why the US is shit scared of them. China is a funny story. Full on communist but swayed to move to a more capitalist system by the capitalist god, the USA. Competition and free enterprise the foundation of capitalism. So when China embraces this new adjusted ideology with vigour and starts out-competing the US they get every accusation under the sun thrown at them. "Cheaters".............................Bahahahahaha.
Do an honest appraisal of the US education system. No-one buys their way into college there do they?

@Lizard_of_Ahaz The Olympics stopped being amateur long ago. The Australian government supports our athletes, so does the US, so does every other developed nation.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Who is going to get the US astronaut's back to Earth? I can tell you who isn't.

@puff How does it feel being nothing more than the tool of both right and left wing dictators and their tools?.... Like a weakling schizophrenic perhaps? Someone with no mind or opinions of their own that depends on propaganda rejecting facts?...

@puff We had to start supporting them to even compete but using drugs that actually do enhance abilities like steroids including Testosterone which helps build muscles and can't even be tested for is pathetic... I am betting the Chinese use that a lot the Russians and their satellite countries have been for decades...

@puff They don't embrace it which is why their economic system is falling apart and they are looking towards conquering other smaller countries. This of course won't work for them as it will cost them even more as they can barely hold on to what they have now and are waiting to see what will happen to Russia first before they try their own power play. What is happening to Russia now is worrying them more than cheating at athletic events does. Russia is not only losing badly they will end up removing themselves from the world stage lacking influence until they collapse in on themselves. China can then turn itself in the direction of its own strength as a continental power and going the same way Russia is headed. China has been making an effort to become a maritime power but it isn't even close yet...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Here is one podcast of China made by Westerners. There are many but this one only one day old. You won't bother looking I'm sure, not part of your brief.
Not all of us can be the exceptional nation like 'merica I suppose. We can only try to imitate that utopian society.

@puff One of the richest provinces in all of China yet with one of the highest poverty levels per capita of all the Industrialized regions... What this doesn't tell you is how much this showcase has cost relative to its ROI (Return On Investment for ignorant tools like you). This one is also near the coast but farthest inland for the productive regions of the country and has a better than average standard of living for those outside of the city VS those farther inland (and still that standard is abysmal...). As a whole the Chinese economy is not doing well as they depend on trade with the West to maintain it. Siding with Russia is very risky for them and much of the West including Europe and the US are moving more industrial capacity back home which hurts them even more. Even with the fossil fuels China gets from Russia that only accounts for about 3% of their International trade so when push comes to shove how fast will they kick Putin to the curb?

@Lizard_of_Ahaz All our Western countries are in recession, small businesses closing like crazy here. Iconic pubs. Let's compare China to the USA using the same website shall we?

@Lizard_of_Ahaz and here's Russia, same site

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Australia ditto.

@puff Recessions are common in every country regardless of which sphere of influence. Your BRICS is in a state of complete collapse.... The West is doing far better except where the Russian influence has crept in ask Africa, Venezuela, Syria, Iran and Turkey....

@puff Maybe Australia is having problems but most countries are doing pretty well in the West. The US may have negative inflation next year which will make the dollar stronger and Interest rates will be headed down this year leaving us in a better situation for growth. Russian GDP is based on the figures from their state controlled central bank which is starting to admit they are in real trouble if the war with Ukraine lasts any longer. Depending on information put out by a ex-teacher of economics from Portugal which has been economically depressed since the end of the "Holy Roman Empire" makes you look pretty stupid...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Is not negative inflation deflation economic expert? This is a desirable direction in your expert opinion? Where assets lose value whilst the borrowed money to buy them require interest? never heard an economist promote deflation as a good thing before; your brilliance is shinning brightly, thanks for the heads up.
Someone on this site last year (may have been you) was saying interest rates would drop this year like in the new year...........still waiting. And besides, even if inflation goes to zero that does not mean prices will go down, just means they will stop going up.
What do you call a healthy debt to GDP ratio expert? I'm no expert, but I review things and those who claim they are expert seem to think once debt is 70% of GDP then action is needed. Aust is in the 20's percentage wise, what's the US? 123%?
Yes prolonged wars destroy societies and their economies. Ask the former USSR. But as the exceptional nation, does not apply to the US I suppose.

@puff No it is the lowering of prices to consumers because the market is flooded with goods in an effort to sell such goods to the consumers and balance production with consumption.... Russia is far from that now and that explains why they are already at the 18% interest rate and looking at raising it to 20% very soon... That will backfire on 5them because there are already not enough goods on the market which is causing extremely high rates of inflation.... Meanwhile at least 40% of Russia's GDP is going to support their war with Ukraine ((US military expenditures are around 3.37% of GDP by comparison... Poland is the highest at 4.12%...)


@Lizard_of_Ahaz Ooh a Qatar government news service, banned in Israel and who had another journalist murdered by the IDF recently. What's the matter? Can't you find any American media who cover this topic in depth?
And who profits from this "defense" spending? What weapon manufacturers must NATO countries buy their kit from?
Norway has joined the court action against Israel and Israel has booted their diplomats out in response. Turkey has also joined this action that's two NATO countries. Other NATO countries actively arm Israel so I'm a bit confused here: Which side does NATO as a whole support?
Ukraine has always wanted in on the EU and the EU have always rejected their application because of corruption. Now the EU wants Ukraine but are now looking at kicking out Hungary.
I see cracks in both alliances.

@puff Orban is pro-Russian and it is time for both NATO and the EU to cut Hungry loose until they learn the Russia is going to be an anchor around their neck that drags them to the bottom of the cess pool and the same goes for Slovenia and Turkey as well... Ukraine's corruption was because of a Russian controlled puppet government and they have been making incredible inroads towards ending these problems at great cost to Ukraine. This is one of the reasons that Putin decided to invade because he saw he was losing all those profitable resources. that were going to Russia at cut rate prices which in turn you complain about them getting fair market prices instead. Is your head really that far up your ass?... All NATO countries are asked not to purchase from RU block countries as the standard are different and ammunition as well as parts might become unavailable if war broke out. They are asked to buy from other NATO countries which all sell and use weapons of the same specifications so they can get supplies.
And of course if any member is producing weapons that are in demand they are free to sell to other member nations as well. I foresee Ukraine making a lot of money selling drone warfare technology to NATO members who are already making inquiries about post war weapons purchases. Not only are they a shoe in for EU membership (which Orban has been blocking) but NATO membership as well as soon as the war ends as no country presently at war may join NATO according to the charter though that might change soon as well...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Why is there a NATO alliance again, what is their charter? So, explain why neutrality for Ukraine was unacceptable for NATO and how denying that neutrality is in line with their charter?
Septic tanks like you are the ones who need to pull their heads out of their arse. So you're going to "learn" Hungary are you? Arrogant fucks. Learn about what? Democracy and freedom, the US rule based world order?
NB Any other American's reading this, we all have dickheads amongst us. Time we weeded them out of powerful positions in our societies..

@puff *I really don't understand why I have to keep repeating myself to your dumbass even a moron should understand by now as many times as I have repeated myself that Ukraine ASKED TO JOIN NATO not the other way around. As long as people like Putin and Xi exist in this world NATO will as well so smaller countries can defend themselves from aggressive monsters like them....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz So how is that going? Improving European security is it? Europe feels less threatened now? NATO, since 1991, have been extremely aggressive and no defense organisation. Active in Europe (Yugoslavia), ME (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen and never forget Libya), Africa and many other places that has nothing to do with European security. In fact, destroying prosperous Libya opened the floodgates to migration into Europe, along with the ME wars. Look at the UK, France, Germany right now!!! Onya NATO!!!!!!!
And yet when faced with an equal force that actually threatens Europe, what do they do? Fuck all the chicken shit cunts. Just collect the stones to give to Ukraine to throw and brag how their troops are not in danger, fuck the Ukrainian's dying, at least we are not. That's NATO.
What is the point of them? I will tell you what you may look forward to.

The Europeans are going to wake up, reach a security agreement with Moscow and tell the septic tanks to fuck off back home. Nord Stream will come back to haunt the USA as it should.
Meanwhile, the US will resemble the UK atm but on steroids and a new multipolar world will rise from the ashes.
As Australian, it will actually benefit my country if China, USA, Russia and the UK wipe each other out. I would rather that not happen as I don't like conflict. Especially when that conflict is fascist driven ie war for profit. My forebears fought a war to stop that shit. It seems operation paperclip was another great success for the CIA.
I will not cry overly when the Houthi's sink a carrier which unfortunately needs to happen to slap people out of their hubris.
Big Jewish holiday 12 & 13th. Expect Iran to rain fire on Israel as a response, a legal response. USA's fault 100% as they should have broken all arms exports once they hit a consulate in Syria, a diplomatic off limits target for the IDF. USA let them get away with it so they target another foreign leader in yet another foreign country. One they were in ceasefire talks with no less. But sepo's are not big on enforcing law atm. Poor old Leahy must be rolling in his grave. The Biden admin is criminal under US's own laws.

"The Leahy Law refers to two statutory provisions that prohibit the U.S. Government from using funds for assistance to foreign security forces units implicated in gross violations of human rights. It is named after its principal sponsor, Senator Patrick Leahy".

@puff Hey dumbass NATO is expanding only because your boss Putin has eyes on rebuilding the post WW2 Russian empire. How is that working out for you?.... They already had "protection" from the West by Russia and it led to poverty and misery until the collapse of the USSR. Many people died rather than live lives of slavery trying to escape that "protection" and you think they will willingly go back?.... Ukraine is fighting and dying rather than going back and you are too fucking stupid to see it?... Either you are a Russian or a moron who should be sent to Russia since you love it so much.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Let's talk in a month or two and see how my predictions go shall we?
Still stuck in the USSR, it's sad. Repetitive messaging works, especially over a life time. Did have hope for America but Gaza has convinced me that melting pot experiment is a lost cause.

@puff You are like the chess playing pigeon who loses then knocks over the board and thinks everyone will believe he is right but everyone here knows you are a moron....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz So some 'merican's disagree with me. Same 'mericans who are "progressive" yet happy to see women's rights go backwards and remove consent for medical treatment................unless you are talking abortion or approving hiding treatment (psychological) of children from their guardians to be decided by schools.
All happy to ignore Leahy's Law and many others but still happy to preach about human rights.
And how you defend your arguments? Name calling, which I love as I know you have lost the argument. Blocking is censorship, confrontation offends and they retreat to their echo chambers.
I don't block anyone as I believe in free speech and the way to discredit false/ misinformation is via a better argument backed by reality. Free speech means warts and all not only what you agree with.
Don't give a fuck about 'merica except for foreign policy as it affects me as they constantly direct the policy of my sycophant government weasels.
I respond to you not for you but for others to read. They may read our threads, check what we each proclaim themselves and decide for themselves. I just put shit out there.
I stand by all I say and time will tell who has the better finger on the pulse. Like Covid.


There is plenty of acts done on behalf of, or directly by the USA that we should quit pretending to be the world's policeman. If we spent a portion of the military budget on the homeless to end that problem it would be far more progressive than to continually piss money away on arms and munitions. No I am not naive I am aware it is because of the overwhelming military that keeps places like N Korea held harmless. How much military equipment is needed. I find it a reprehensible use of the wealth here. We still have some evolving to do.

With regards to Nth Korea, when Trump engaged he got them talking so as to officially end this war. Nth Korea would have given up nukes if US forces left Sth Korea. Sth Korea liked this idea. Like neutrality for Ukraine, unacceptable.
So is it working the current policy? Is troops on the peninsula keeping Nth Korea "harmless"?
The good news is we are evolving into a multipolar world led by BRICS nations.

@puff Bullshit Trump is a fool who lies more than Putin does and depends on Putin to keep his stupid ass out of prison. North Korea wants to restart the war with the South but is waiting to see if Russia can help them which even they can see isn't going to happen. Their weapons are shit and much of them are so bad they blow up killing their own soldiers using them....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Both Korea's want unification.
Trump is a psychopath but is no fool. World leader's need to engage with each other, not demand things of each other. All wars end in negotiation which all have to start somewhere. No point any world leaders talking to the USA atm. Who are they going to talk to? The US potus? And wtf is that demented twat going to negotiate?

@puff Must be why the South is now going to send weapons that actually work to Ukraine right?.... Since Putin and the pregnant pig got together the South wants no reunification and was only going to take in the North if they became democratic and demilitarized...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Why? Isn't NATO able to supply weapons that actually work?

@puff Working pretty damned good against the Russians....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Not well enough unfortunately for Ukrainian's. This fuckwit let the cat out of the bag. The "West" can't lose because they want Ukraine's resources, already pre-sold by Zelenskyy so even if Russia loses, Ukraine has lost their wealth. And if you feel obliged to argue that this is what Russia wants as well, then why were Russia willing to return to Crimea only and leave Ukraine fully in early 2022 with the condition of no NATO membership?
Freedom and democracy my pimply arse.

@puff Ukraine will sell those minerals that are produced over their own needs to someone anyway why do you think Russia invaded them in the first place they want them for nothing... The US companies will buy them on the open market at the going prices. The video you are showing was produced by the communist party trying to weaken public support for Ukraine....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz How's the sand looking down there? See any rare Earths?

@puff Ask yourself that question after all this information is openly available....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz It's not my head stuck in the sand fool. Sarcasm really does go over your head, which is not surprising really as that head is buried in the sand.

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