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I swear I have never seen anything so stupid in my entire life as what this guy is saying....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Aug 10

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Well, he usually avoids ad hominen attacks so I'll give him that. Sadly America does have a bad rap. Many ideals that we promote via our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Rule of Law don't make it to the stage of reality.
That said, thinking that the 'super' powers of the world blowing themselves to bits would make the world better never once takes human nature into account. Trust me a bad actor will step on to the stage and the struggle will begin again.

Every country has its bad actors but he blames the good ones as well as blindly saying the worst ones are the solution and should be embraced...


if it's that stupid, why pass it along at all? would it be incorrect to regard doing so as stupider? unless the pot needs stirring of course.

Of course.... Just like how it works with DonOld Dumbass ....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz playing his game then?

@hankster More stomping on te stupid until it works its way out of the gene pool by losing its shit...


Washington's attempts to maintain global dominance are flailing and may well lead to regional or global war. While I don't agree with him on every point, it's certainly more accurate than the Cold War twaddle flowing out of Washington and faithfully regurgitated by the MSM.

If you want to avoid WW3 you have to nip it in the bud or Putin will keep pushing until he gets everything he can grab.... He is no different than Hitler or Lenin was....


Australia had significant infamy as having virulent anti-Semites and neo-Nazis. Apparently he's never seen "On the Beach", but he is obviously very sheltered in his existence, and probably only watches RT.


I blocked that guy long ago. No point in having him clutter my feed. My 2 cents.

I usually get them to block me instead.... But this one seems way to stupid to get the hint...


To point out just One obvious thing......He has no idea that a war would impact Australia????????!!!!!!
Radiation drifts on the winds, nuclear winter is a real possibility.
Supply chains Totally gone, and he is basically on a big island that is mostly desert, so good luck with agriculture....especially with fueling up those tractors et al.
What a maroon!

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