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We all know when Trump loses in November, he's going to cry "stolen!!" again, and just like before, his brain dead followers will believe him, vocalize their outrage and lash out violently against a country that's only trying to protect itself from the disastrous presidency of a known madman, sociopath and paranoid extremist who would leave America a pile of smoldering ashes before his term is only half over. Then, he won't acknowledge he has a "term", he'll claim he was elected for life and disallow an election in 2028. Project 2025 lays all the groundwork for this nation's conversion into a fascist autocracy with a simple minded moron and human toilet bug at the top who has also been grated absolute criminal immunity by a hugely corrupt SCOTUS. Even if he loses, Trump won't go away unless he mercifully has a massive heart attack or debilitating stroke. Getting rid of this guy is more difficult than ridding your home of a cockroach infestation.

Did you EVER dream you'd see anything like this in your lifetime?

Sgt_Spanky 8 Aug 15

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I blocked Trajan61 long ago, but apparently you two guys still like sparring with him..


The democrats appose showing a valid photo ID to vote. To me that shows intent to cheat!

So you are still going with "America's Hitler" then?

@273kelvin The Democrat are the ones who want to take our guns, impose more regulations and raise our taxes so the democrats are the ones acting like Hitler not Trump!

@273kelvin Not to mention the wars and turmoil caused by the democrats stupid foreign policy.

@Trajan61 Sorry Trajian61 but did you not notice the quotation marks on "Americas Hitler" Those are not my words, it is a quote from Shady Vance... you know the guy the stable genius has picked as his running mate lol

@Trajan61 What the fu-k is wrong with Republicans? Do they actively refuse to understand simple logic?

First Point:

No one wants to take your guns. You can have a gun for protection if you want one, you can have a gun for hunting as well. What you can't have is an assault rifle and firearms with high capacity magazines because they're not necessary outside of a theater of war. A handgun is sufficient personal protection. It will kill whomever you fire it at and isn't that the point of having a gun?

Second Point:

Regulations help to restrict people from committing unfair and criminal acts as a function of business. They're for OUR protection from those who would screw us at every opportunity.

Third Point:

Taxes are useful when used responsibly by the Government. There's such a thing as good debt and bad debt. Good debt is when we spend a trillion dollars developing clean, renewable energy or universal healthcare that will benefit everyone while solving an ongoing problem and bad debt is when Donald Trump wastes $2T on a free tax giveaway for the wealthy as he did in 2017. He ballooned our Debt by $8T during his term and we got NOTHING for it. I'm sick of Republicans whining and crying about taxes without ever understanding what can be done with them if spent responsibly. Good debt is a good thing, it's funding progress. Bad debt is what you get when you put Republicans in office.

@Trajan61 Never mind what Vance said, Trump still has the full support of his former VP Pence... Oh oops sorry!

@Sgt_Spanky You are full of crap!

@Trajan61 Another well thought out reply from the MAGA Right. No wonder you people are all dumb enough to vote for a walking disaster like Trump over and over and over and... No matter how much evidence there is that he belongs in a padded cell or a jail cell.


I'll do you one better. There's this illusion that if the Republigoons are defeated in November then it will result in the 'old Republicans' taking back the party and standing for old 'conservative' policies. Baloney. The Republicans only have to win one more election, just one, be it 2024 or 2028, and that will be all they need to dismantle what passes for American democracy. That's how they see it. Passing time. Win one more and that's it, and we all know Americans will vote them back in sooner or later.

So, putting my political scientist hat on, it's like this: The fascist wing of the US ruling elite have decided they don't want to play the American political 2 party game any more. They don't want these 'undesirables' who aren't 'real' Americans to run 'their' country. They have a fascist party, and they have an authoritarian leaning populist working and middle class movement as their base. Just one more election win, dismantle the system, stack the military with their people, bring unrest, 'suspend' democracy for law and order, and the new authoritarian America will be in place. Sooner or later. Just a matter of time. Just one more election win. They'll wait.

The Democrat party is the one who is a grave threat to democracy!

@Trajan61 Because they stormed the Capital after the last election.
Oh wait, they didn't.
Because they grossly mismanaged Covid and huge numbers died.
Oh wait, they didn't.
Because they sucked up to Russia and compromised US security.
Oh wait, they didn't.
Because they are helping Putin to annexe Ukraine after which he will keep going eventually forcing a war with Europe and the US.
Oh wait, they aren't.
Because they suck up to world's worst dictators.
Oh wait, they don't.
Because they are trying to dismantle the electoral and voting systems so there won't be any more real elections in America.
Oh wait, aren't.

But the Republicans have done or are doing all those things.

The world knows it. Only dillisional Republican voters believe otherwise.

@Trajan61 Wrong again. The Republicans are the ones who've written a 1000 page step by step document designed to convert America from a Constitutional Democracy to a fascist autocracy over the course of 180 days. They also want to end Medicare, Social Security and the ACA regardless that would all condemn millions of sick people to death. Republicans care about nothing but money and power. Y'know, like a Bond villain.

@David1955 The Democrat want to confiscate our guns, raise taxes impose more regulations, and shut down oil and gas. If that’s not a threat to American democracy I don’t know what in the hell is! Not to mention supporting terror groups like Hamas over Israel which has destabilized the Middle East! Only a raving idiot would support that agenda!

@Trajan61 you have a problem with reality on Earth 2, don't you.
Confiscate guns ?-- wrong, only stop assault weapons and mentally ill people getting them.
Raise taxes? -- only on the greedy and under paying very rich. I suppose that's you.
More regulations? To stop greedflation and greedy companies. Sounds good.
Shut down oil and gas? - my dear chap American production of oil and gas has never been higher.
Supporting Hamas over Israel? -- in case you hadn't noticed the criticism had been quite the opposite.

We on Earth 1, the real Earth, prefer reality and facts.

Give it a try why don't you.

@David1955 Your the one who is living in a dream world.

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