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Mommy, God was mean to me. Now I'm gonna post memes about it the rest of my life.

Drank_Spear 7 Aug 21

Enjoy being online again!

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It seems sadly that the ironic sarcasm in your post was missed by a few people. No great matter.
But one question deserves another in return, at least. Though as I am sure you already know what it is, I will not bother to ask it.


Fair enough, mate. Brits get your sarcasm.

Ryo1 Level 8 Aug 23, 2024

How is an invisible mythical being mean to you? I don't get it.

@Drank_Spear unlike you who knows everything?



You real name is Karen?

are you always this full of anger and hate ? you must be a lot of fun at parties @Drank_Spear

This guy @Drank Spear is a troll. Posting about God and spirituality.

kinda dumb too... loves mental masturbation

3 poor thing. show us on the doll where god was mean to you so the healing can begin.

Leetx Level 7 Aug 21, 2024

hey. if your god was mean to you, just choose another...there are hundreds to pick from. that's all I'm saying. @Drank_Spear

@Drank_Spear <<--- HAHAHAHA !! whine about your god being mean to blind to see other options. ok. run along now

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