7 2

Hard to argue with that, but I'm sure some folks here will try. 🙄😏😊

Captnfeelgood 4 Sep 2

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Oh Santa, thou doth protest too much, methinks. You have a slave workforce and you work one day a year and you take all the credit for the gifts people give to their loved ones. Stop complaining asshole.


I mean, dude, you had to know the clown parade that is the Trump train couldn't last forever. He's a failed businessman and grifter who got some lucky breaks in life. All the guy does is brag about himself, lie, and call names. He's like a unfunny Saturday Night Live skit. He only got as far as he has because he faced two uninspired candidates running uninspired campaigns. Now he's facing a wildly popular ticket running a professional full court press campaign, and he's going down like the Titanic. A vote for him is a vote for a loser despite what he and Fox News churn out. Go ahead and throw your vote away. #HarrisWalz2024


Let me break out the big crayons and explain this to you.
Interest rates and inflation 101.
Lots of things can cause inflation but mostly it is good old market forces, Loads of widgets in the marketplace = cheap widgets, and fewer widgets = dear widgets. The same is true for money. If governments print loads of money by running up debt, that money will be worth less, just like cheap widgets. So if you have a combination of few widgets say after a global lockdown, then those widgets will go up in price, plus if the govt has devalued its currency by say increasing its debt by 25% under Trump, then that's a double whammy.
In 2021 the entire world had fewer widgets. Supply chains had been thrown into chaos and there were shortages of everything. Plus nearly every economy had borrowed money to get it through the bad times. The result was worldwide inflation.
How do you combat inflation? Well, market forces again, dearer money = less spending, less spending = more widgets for sale = cheaper widgets = lower inflation.
Who decides when and how to make money dearer or cheaper? Well, most sensible countries take this decision out of the hands of elected officials. The last thing that any economy needs is some lying baby-kisser messing around with interest rates in order to look better in the poles. So in the US, the Federal Reserve does this (the UK uses the Bank of England) although they may consult with govts, it is they who get the final say.
So what are the downsides to raising interest rates? Well, there are the obvious hardships in that people struggle to pay their bills. But also if industry has to pay more to borrow, it is less likely to invest or grow. In nearly all cases where inflation has gone down, unemployment has risen. Nearly all except one! The Biden administration is the only one that has reduced inflation without increasing unemployment and I mean the ONLY one. No other govt worldwide in history has ever done this. Google it and find another I dare you!

Yes, indeed, well explained and sensible.
BUT it is so much easier to blame bystanders.....stupid, but easy.


I'm gonna vote for Kamala or anybody else over the piss baby chump, because of what he's shown himself to be.


JeebusH, get out much?


LOL, Biden isn't running for reelection. Did you miss a memo? LOLROFL

And it is the Federal Reserve that sets interest rates, while the president has zero control or authority over them.

You didn't even watch the video.


This asshole was lucky to be working for a corporation that passed on some of it's tax cuts, and ignores how HIS taxes went up. And he forgets how Trump tried to eliminate the ACA many, many times. How many people would lose their insurance? On the unlikely chance this creep is telling the truth, his circumstance was a rarity. The only reason he didn't get taken care of by the Dems was because of GOP obstruction.

He touts Trump's trip to North Korea, but doesn't mention his incompetence in dealing with Covid.

Yeah, we didn't get into any new conflicts, except that Trump set up Ukraine for Putin, betrayed the Kurds and the Afghanis, and enacted tariffs that raise prices. Then gave away tons of money to his cronies through PPP.

Elsewhere, litanies of Trump's treason, sedition, corruption, and misdeeds are well known. This guy is a phony shill and liar.

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