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When the religious start going on about their god and all I'm thinking is what a great time share business I could develop if only I didn't have a sense of common decency. It would be like stealing the pencils out of a blind beggar's tin cup.

Surfpirate 9 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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My daughter has the same scruples whenever I suggest we become Angel Whisperers. Darn those moral consciences some of us have.


Sometimes I think the most important attribute a person needs to get rich is a complete lack of "human kindness" Most rich people have done the equivalent of stealing the pencils out of a blind beggers tin cup...... (at a larger scale of course).

In my experience the single most important factor in obtaining riches is to have an all consuming greed that allows no room for compassion or kindness unless that moves the amassing of wealth forward. Little wonder some wise acre said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven. I'm not talking about being well off or financially comfortable but for real wealth it has to be an all consuming passion. Maybe that's why I have known so many tightfisted, miserable, rich guys and so few generous and happy rich guys.

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