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I cringe every time I hear a politician say "God bless America." I often think their sentiment is god bless us and fuck everyone else.

GodlessFred 6 May 8

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These days the Republicans exemplify your statement.


I read it very much the same way.


I've met far too many American Expats who think that America is the world and even some who believe that wherever they are standing as an American is subject to American laws, I can only assume that they are from the mentally deficient segment of the American population. I always made a point of letting the locals know that I am Canadian and I'm not with those types of people.


Makes me sick.. I think it’s relatively recent, too. My guess being either Carter or Reagan ushering it in. I know the bulk of recent religious overreach was to ‘combat the godless communists’ … but when are they going to realize that war’s over?

Varn Level 8 May 8, 2018

It is pretty much a catch all platitude

Is god being invoked to bless the continent?
Is the speaker simply hoping god will bless the American people, as many say god bless as a salutation?
Is it an insistence that a god bless America as opposed to anything else blessing it, the devil for example?
Or an instruction to god to bless America as opposed to the UK, France or god forbid Russia?
Or is it just the political speakers Amen, so we know they have finished waffling and we should all applaud now like performing seals on steroids?

Who can say?


I cringe anytime I hear anyone bless anything. So very much bullshit !

How about when you sneeze?

@The_Antichrist Yup - that too. A kneejerk reaction that rarely has much caring behind it . If you believe as they did in medieval times, that sneezing is caused by evil spirits in one's body - then have at it.There's actually a couple posts on the subject.

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