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What does NASA stand for?
Need A Second Aircraft

puff 8 Sep 10

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Funny we haven't gone back to putting a man on the moon again, since 1969. Musk said , to live on Mars is a good ideal because putting all our eggs in one basket, like earth. Could mean extinction to our species.

Think we better learn to get along on this planet, first, or we will just destroy other planets too. I do wonder even if Musk battery cars will last or if they really help the planet's health. Maybe our mind and bodies can not handle space conditioning..

Women have periods which are tied to moon cycles. What I'm saying is I am not so sure, it is no given, that our species will be capable of reproducing away from our home planet. So a far better idea to look after this one.

Something I hadn’t thought of was medication:

Medications used by astronauts on the International Space Station might not be good enough for a three-year journey to Mars.  

A new study led by Duke University School of Medicine reveals that more than half of the medicines stocked in space, such as pain relievers, antibiotics, allergy medicines, and sleep aids, would expire before a Mars mission ends and astronauts return to Earth.

Astronauts could end up relying on ineffective or even harmful drugs, according to the study published July 23, 2024, in npj Microgravity, a Nature journal.  


NASA does need another craft for sure, BUTt is that the problem?
They have Amnesia! They go to the moon and back in impossibly primitive hardware and software,then forget how it iwas achieved. Nasa has forgotten and lost all records, now they lost and forgot how they got the astronauts up to the space station in the first place.
Perhaps the Chinese can bring them down??

Musk is early next year, Space X

@puff sure if they can get one past the launch pad without exploding
In the Mahrahbrattah there are instructions on how to build a craft that will be capable.
I think the old krauts used it as a base to build their GLOCKE

@vocaloldfart I mainly posted because the last "What does NASA stand for?" joke is very old now. What was it? '87? If you can't remember; Need Another Seven Astronauts.
I do like my dark humour.

@puff like a nun in an orgy.... I don't get it. 87?

@vocaloldfart When the Challenger shuttle blew up on live TV. That joke "Need Another Seven Astronauts" was doing the rounds within hours. The good old days when nothing was sacred ie you pulled the piss out of everything and anything. The larakin Australia I miss so much.

@vocaloldfart My bad but close. It was 1986.

@puff I forgot all about that incident. makes sense . I think at 71 I am loosing my sense of humour. The old grey cells are not what they used to be.

@vocaloldfart You're doing all right. Your mind seems pretty sharp to me. I've killed plenty of brain cells too 😉
I tend to remember random shit.

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