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JD Vance on Taylor Swift ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 12

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Iā€™m sick of these empty headed celebrities like swift thinking they have anything important to contribute to the political arena.

First off I am no Swifty, she is okay but I'm not a fan. That said, one can only admire not only her popularity but also the way she has changed the game regarding artist's music rights. So I think that the term "empty-headed" is unjustified.
Should singer-songwriters contribute to the political arena? Mmm, how far back do you want to go? Woody Guthrie, Billie Holliday, Bob Dylan, Sam Cooke, John Lennon, Gil Scot Herron, Pink Floyd etc.
Not only musicians but sportsmen/women, actors, writers and painters can use their celebrity to highlight a problem or move people to action. Or do you think that sport and art exist in a vacuum, devoid of politics?
Okay, enough of generalities, let us examine Swift's contribution to the political arena. She has encouraged young people to register as voters and has been highly successful in that endeavour. Would you prefer them NOT to have registered? Is voting unimportant? Now as for her endorsing Harris,. If you had bothered to read it, you would know that it was a direct response to an AI-generated fake endorsement of Trump that he posted. Something that I too would want to correct ASAP, wouldn't you?

@richiegtt I raise you Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, James Woods, Randy/Dennis Quaid, Brittany Mahomes, Hulk Hogan, Jon Voight, Scott Baio, Phil/Willie Robertson, Kevin Sorbo, and Stephen Baldwin.

And none of them are qualified to be in the same orbit as Taylor Swift, who hopefully thumbed the scale enough to prevent a fascist slide.

LOLOLOLOL God, watching Trumpers lose their sheet as the Trump Clown Train swirls down the drain is hysterical. Sour grapes and whinging is all they got, thanks for demonstrating it once again.

I agree with you 100%!

@Trajan61 So you should not encourage young people to vote then? Perhaps you agree with Shady Vance, that they shouldn't get a vote until they have kids?

@273kelvin Taylor Swift hardly qualifies as a typical young American as she is extremy rich and just like most of the extremely rich she favors the democrats.

@Trajan61 Nobody made the case for her being "typical". In fact, celebrities are such because they are NOT typical.
So let us go with just poor ordinary working stiffs like Elon Musk, Rupert Murdock, Jeff Bezos and the Koch bros
But as always you dodge the question. So she should not have encouraged young people to vote then? Perhaps you agree with Shady Vance, that they shouldn't get a vote until they have kids?

@273kelvin Yes I agree with Vance.

@Trajan61 So are you going to stop taking taxes off them? "No taxation without representation." Perhaps you would like to take the vote off women? blacks? non-property owners? Basically, anyone who doesn't vote for Trump?
Do you also agree with Vance's opinion of Trump ie America's Hitler?

@273kelvin Vance never said Trump was Americas Hitler.

@Trajan61 []

Are there enough sources there for you? (inc Fox)

@Trajan61 You really should not be surprised that Vance once held such a low opinion of Trump. Nearly everyone who has anything to do with him thinks the same. Not one former POTUS or vice president has endorsed him. Neither has any of his former chiefs of staff or attorney generals. Most of the military have called him unfit to lead.
He was twice impeached, has 34 felony convictions, is judged a rapist, and has numerous treason cases pending. Plus his 2025 plan to overturn the constitution.
Also, if you could get the vast majority of those Republicans in the House and Senate to give their true opinions? You would know that they secretly hate him too. (Just like J D Vance, Mrs Vance and Mrs Trump)

@Trajan61 So I gave you 5 sources about Vance's "America's Hitler" opinion. I doubt whether that will be enough to convince you. Because there have been a similar number of sources about his "Suckers and losers" quote and they haven't. Yet if he says Immigrants are eating pets or Dominion rigged the election, you eat it up without any evidence and plenty to the contrary.
But you're not really in a cult.

@273kelvin Vance has changed his opinion of Trump. Also most sources you gave me with the exception of Fox are far left and unreliable. Trump was a great president once so why wouldnā€™t he be again? Harris on the other hand was the most left of center of any senator when she served there. Besides I would never vote for or support a democrat.

@Trajan61 You missed a word out there, "Vance has changed his (public) opinion of Trump. I suspect that like so many Republicans, there is a vast difference between public and private. Just read Tucker's emails in the Dominion case as an example.
Trump was not that great. Sure the economy looked good but only at the expense of 7 trillion extra debt. In 4 years he increased US debt by 25%. Okay, pay my airfare, give me your credit card and I guarantee you and I will have a fantastic time. Vegas here we come, dude! Outside of the MAGA world and the US, he was looked at as a joke. He had to come home early from the NATO summit because all the other leaders were laughing at him. Then COVID came and he was no longer that funny. The US death toll was twice as high as the average. That is not spin, it is maths and that is the reason he went from an 8/13 bookmaker favourite to a 9/2 outsider in 2020.
Also, he is 4 years older and they have not been easy years. Court cases, campaigning plus the usual business stuff must take its toll on a 78-year-old. Who let's be honest, was not THAT stable to begin with. But maybe I am wrong and sharks vs electricity IS a presidential question?

I know that you, unlike many prominent Republicans, will never vote for Harris. Maybe you could not vote for Trump? Or at least stop giving him a blank cheque. Then maybe (just maybe) when he gets thrashed in November, instead of crying "foul" with all of the other MAGA sheep. Perhaps think about reforming the GOP and get rid of loonies like MTG or spinless sycophants like Ted Cruz. Then maybe there will be a GOP worthy of its name.

@Trajan61 Oh and 3 out of 5 ( I would call Reuters neutral but...?) is not almost all. The Daily Telegraph is politically conservative and has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945.

@273kelvin If youā€™ve ever looked at a map of the US presidential election vote by county youā€™d realize the democrats have very little support in rural America and for good reason.

@273kelvin Thatā€™s for the 2020 election.

@Trajan61 But the vast majority of Americans live on the East Coast or in California. Republicans have not won the popular vote since Bush Snr.

@273kelvin The president thankfully is not elected by popular vote but by the electoral college.

@Trajan61 Yeah but you don't want everyone to have a vote.

@Trajan61 Here is a thought. Maybe if the popular vote DID always win? Well, then maybe the GOP might court that vote a little more and NOT rely on the Electoral College. Maybe they might formulate policies that helped the most people and not just their rich donors? And most importantly they would reject a senile, unhinged criminal as their candidate!

@273kelvin I want all American citizens to have a vote. The democrats want to allow illegals to vote.

@Trajan61 Pants on fire!
Q, " Perhaps you agree with Shady Vance, that they shouldn't get a vote until they have kids?"
A, "Yes I agree with Vance."

@Trajan61 I have another question. Do you actually believe that illegals try and vote or are you just spouting MAGA dogma? I ask this because of the logical absurdity of the premise. let me explain. Have you ever driven in a less-than-legal car? Expired tag/licence/insurance or maybe something inside you wouldn't want to be examined too closely? If you ever have, then you know that you drive like a nun. 28mph in a 30mph zone and inside lane all the way. The very last thing you do is call attention to yourself. Now, imagine you have travelled hundreds or thousands of miles for a better life. Maybe you spent all your savings to get here and still owe more? Why the fuck would you risk all that by trying to vote?
"Because the Democrats pay them to vote that's why"
Yeah right, because in order to get more votes for Democrats they could a) let more illegals into the country and then pay them to vote with all the risks inherent in that scheme. or b) Get more unregistered voters to register.
So let us be honest for once and call a spade a spade. This is not about illegals voting. this is about reducing the vote in poor and black/Hispanic neighbourhoods.

@273kelvin No I donā€™t think illegals are voting but the democrats are allowing them to vote in local elections and would like for them to vote in national elections as they tend to vote Democrat. I think the democrats are banking on getting the illegals the right to vote eventually.
If you donā€™t even have a valid photo ID I donā€™t think you should be allowed to vote.

@Trajan61 So you don't think that childless people should be able to vote? You know that illegals are not voting but because you think that the Dems might want them to... you want voter ID, even though there has been zero evidence of significant voter fraud? And the fact that this ends up depressing voter turnout and therefore Democratic votes is just a pure happy coincidence?
You know I would have a lot more respect for you if you were honest and said "I don't care about fair or legal. I want to keep the Dems out any way we can." Because I know that is the real GOP position and so do you

@273kelvin With Americans distrust in the electoral process we should not have an Attourney general of the US who opposes showing a valid photo ID to vote. Hell that only makes matters worse and shows intent to cheat as you have to show a valid photo ID to do almost anything! Im thankful this idiot Merick Garland was not appointed to the Supreme Court like Obama wanted!

@Trajan61 Who sowed that mistrust? D.J.T that's who and he never showed an iota of proof. And don't even start on Supreme Court corruption given that Trump's selections have left you with the least trusted Court ever.
I lived for 15 years without any photo ID. Many others do not as well, not everyone drives and contrary to Trump's expertise on the subject you do not need ID to buy bread.
This whole voter fraud crap is like stopping unicorn attacks.


He only takes his foot out of his mouth to change feet.


Makes you wonder is he knows all that much about his running mate ...

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