How deeply rooted is the evil in this country?
I look at it more as a global problem then a local one…..
I totally agree
A constant and never ending human problem which somehow we have managed to survive. I guess because it is frightful, but limited. The vast majority are not intrinsically evil and in some way can condition the truly evil over time.
The Nazi Party in the USA was very strong and growing in the early 1930’s (Rachel Maddow recently wrote a book about it). The only thing that stopped them from gaining more political power than they did was Hitler’s going off the rails and attacking all the countries of Western Europe.
The right has learned to use the media to target people in a very bad way. This sort of hate has always been within human nature, in the past they went after those they hated/feared with clubs and fire. With the internet it can happen so much faster but make no mistake a minority turned it into a weapon used to destroy. The idea that it could free the intellect and broaden knowledge is being over shadowed.
What happened in the U.S. over slavery and everything that followed was or is the worst of human nature.
Does evil even exist as a force? OR is it just lack of EMPATHY?