I used to work in South Auckland which had a large Polynesian population mainly Tongan and Samoa. I saw so many families get into debt to pay their church leaders money for weddings funerals baptism graduation.... the list goes on the church leaders get the best food and have many plain brown envelopes containing money slipped to them from family members... often from families who would borrow money from dodgy money lenders at extortionate interest rates. So ugly.
Sounds like you have an interesting life. I would enjoy moving regularly and getting to know different people from different backgrounds. Makes me sad to know that Evangelical Christians are still seeking out innocent victims around the world to spread their disease to. They came to America and annihilated the culture of three continents in a short time. They were brutal about it. The world was a better place with the rich, diverse American cultures. I have grown to despise what America has become. When I graduate college I think I might expatriate.