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Isn't music great? You know those atheist musicians really rock. Uh, well maybe not as there aren't any good atheist musicians other than maybe you could put Bowie or Marilyn Manson into that category although they even had spiritual aspects to their music.

Drank_Spear 7 Sep 17

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Slayer, Tool, black metal band named Atheist, Gogoroth, so many bands that are atheist.

@Drank_Spear 🙄🙄🙄🙄 nevermind, you don't know


Not real bright are you?...

@Drank_Spear Way to go showing your ignorance....

@Drank_Spear Congratulations for being a religious nutbag that refuses your faith for facts...

@Drank_Spear Then quit acting like you are....
Slapped you down didn't I?... I posted HIS WORDS on his religious lack of affiliation and you act like a Christian trying to convince us that Darwin was a Christian even though he was documented as an atheist...


Atheism is just the default position people fall into when they stop accepting theism. It is not a united movement or a belief system and it does not "own" any part of culture.

@Drank_Spear Atheists may also be more tolerant, if only because they are a minority, in some countries. Offend the theists and you won't sell them any records, but you are unlikely to put off the atheists.


You know the personal beliefs of all great musicians? I think not

Tejas Level 8 Sep 18, 2024

How do we identify atheist musicians?

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