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To claim god is good ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 19

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The huge and oft unthought of or just plain denied issue is what is good? Is it something that benefits one species (humans) at the detriment of other life forms or even the system that supports life on this planet? Also, science has clearly shown emotions are simply chemical reactions within a life form. Supposedly, the creator of the universe was not a chemically driven entity. Such a creator would be beyond simple emotional drives. The founders of this country accepted that a creator (of whatever form) was responsible for creation of everything but transcended emotions and, as such, did not care for any of its creations. IIt created a system and then let that system work for whatever end.

Because a beginning is needed they called that Deism.


If religion and belief comes up as I'm talking to someone they simply do not get it that I'm a non-believer because I did read and study his book. This came up the other day and someone told me to look at the sky. Next she asked me how I thought we got here. I told her it is perfectly OK to admit that we do not have all the answers.

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