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Julian Assange makes first public statement since prison release. In front of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.
Nothing he says is untrue.

puff 8 Oct 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Frightening. I wish him well and hope for him there is a recovery.
Doing a bit of digging of my own (US government press releases) that congress can, and does, legislate and make laws governing other nations.
Apparently US law overrides any other nations government, and has, if the US so chooses.

I honestly don't think lawful norms concern the US nowadays, Israel the prime example. That's why he was let out eg nothing more for wikileaks to shock people with.
I was glad to see he still has some fire in his belly. Interesting his first statement was not to Australian media (perhaps that was part of the "plea deal"?) and also that he is back in Europe. All strength to him.

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