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If I have to create stories...then that's what I'm going to do."
-- J.D. Vance, 2024

Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 6

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Why in the hell didn’t they fact check Waltz?

Classic what-about-ism! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‚

Well go ahead. What's stopping you?

Journalism, (at least ethical journalism) has a far greater responsibility to truth and to its audience (ie to dispel potentially harmful misinformation) than it has to evenhanded fairness.
Vance blatantly lied about Haitian immigrants, please tell me where in that debate where Walz lied so aggressively? Bear in mind that Vance's admitted previous lie on the subject had led to violent threats and attacks in Springfield.

@273kelvin Yeah, big difference between the sargeant major on the one hand saying he carried a rifle in war (instead of wartime), and Trump inciting an insurrection with an ocean of lies about the 2020 election being stolen, or Trump and Vance inciting violence against legal immigrants with made-up sh*t about them eating people's pets. Huge difference.

@Flyingsaucesir A cult doesn't care about facts.

@273kelvin You people definitely don’t care about facts!!

@273kelvin Vance did not lie about Haitian immigration. Its a fact.

@Trajan61 He said that they were illegal and they are not. That is what he was fact-checked on.

@Trajan61 I have to ask you this man. As you are on this site I must assume that at some point you saw through the church's bs. The hypocrisy of pastors boning the wives (and sometimes the boys), the grift, the absurdity of their reasoning and the "You just have to have faith" crap and said to yourself "Fuck you! I have a mind of my own and this does not work for me".
Now ask yourself how many times on this site your faith in the MAGAverse has been shown to be unreasonable?
Okay, you care about immigration. What about the bill that Trump killed, bragged about killing, then denied killing? The one written by your own Oklahoma senator James Lankford? Examine that with the same head that got you out of the church!

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