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What do you think about Spiritual Healing? Does it work as well as sexual healing? Asking for a friend....

Roxwax16 4 May 9

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Good vibrations can be called spiritual healing it helps get your self centered like meditating. Just deep thinking on how you want to be. Once you are happy with your self you can get rid of some stress.


If you are referring to the 19th century Victorian doctors practice of giving women orgasms via their new invention the vibrator, I would say if it works for you, kudos. Saved your life? Major props for healing. In a search I did all that came up was Marvin. So good for you & I am able to heal myself in that context.


What the hell is "sexual healing"? Marvin Gaye sang it in a song but that does not validate anything.

I'm sorry that you don't know the power of sexual healing. It saved my life once.


There are different types of healing, I wonder how much difference there is between a psychotherapist and a spiritual healer if their results turn out to be the same.

I had a friend studying to become a "Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine" a long time ago. He did the academic work and obtained his medical credentials and then he went on to study with a older doctor of osteopathy. He indicated to me that his treatments required a certain touch in order to be effective and that is why he was now studying with a doctor with decades of experience.

Sexual healing also requires the right touch in my opinion.

Belief is an important part of healing, the placebo effect can work because people believe in what the doctor prescribes and through this belief the mind supervenes on the body.

cava Level 7 May 9, 2018

Spiritual healing is a hoax. The only effect from it is a placebo effect.


My parents do the Spiritual Healing thing. I suspect that it's occasional success is little more than placebo + benefits of human interaction with hard personal issues (i.e. same as any counseling) + false hope from unfalsifiable and "certain" religious beliefs.


Not much. Of either.


I am a firm believer in the power of placebo.


I doubt it very much. id say it helps as much as a placebo ie they do work to a degree.


I prefer sexual healing. You get something out of that.


Sure. Scientifically speaking, it can activate the same region of the brain that is triggered by drugs such as cocaine and opiods. Basically it can give that person the boost they need mentally to achieve things physically as well OR utterly destroy them... But more to the point, healing is a broad topic that varies for each person. Can't say many would object to sexual healing though. ?


Never!!! sexual healing is tops ?   Lol

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