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Call it pareidolia, but I suggest that certain 'events' are 'fine tuned'.

One example of such an event being the Jan. 6 attack. Consider the elements that needed to be in place. The elements put in place represent the 'fine tuning.' The fine tuning includes:

  1. The DC Mayor issuing the Jan. 6 meeting permit even though a similar event two days earlier ended with riots.
  2. Trump and Stone having assembled various militias and these militias armed to attack.
  3. The hotel boiler room that coordinated the attack, undisturbed by the FBI.
  4. Christopher Wray having received intel on the internet traffic describing the assembly of the militias, and Wray doing the absolute minimum or less to protect Congress.
  5. The riot equipment to be used by the Capitol Police being locked up and somehow unavailable to the Capitol Police.
  6. No DC cops; no National Guard; no military units on hand.
  7. Congresspersons giving Capitol tours to militia the day before.
  8. Afterwards, a nearly complete suppression of the media covering how heavily armed militia were intercepted within the Capitol, allowing Trump's lie of a peaceful demonstration.

The next example of a fine-tuned event is Trump's 2024 Campaign. Consider the myriad of circumstances put in place to enable this...

  1. Delayed prosecution of insurrectionists.
  2. No arrest of Trump and company for insurrection, nor of the participants in the Hotel boiler-room operation, and near black-out of MSM coverage of the latter.
  3. No arrests of Congresspersons for their roles in the attempted coup.
  4. Near zero activity on the part of DOJ to investigate the coup, except for the militias.
  5. DOJ only feigns activity AFTER Congress holds Jan. 6 Hearings.
  6. DOJ fails to prosecute Trump for numerous crimes documented by the Mueller Report and the 1st and 2nd Impeachment Hearings.
  7. SCOTUS interferes with Jan. 6 prosecution stalling same while it manufactured the entirely bogus Presidential Immunity finding.

One last example could be the Oct. 7 attack wherein...

  1. IDF received advance warning and blueprint of the attack a year earlier.
  2. IDF warned by Egypt and the US of the impending attack.
  3. IDF observed Hamas practicing along the wall.
  4. Despite the impending attack, IDF forces concentrated at the West Bank, leaving the wall nearly undefended.
  5. IDF not assembled and transported to the attack site for many hours, almost until it was over.

I suggest such fine-tuned events stand out in that the fine tuning requires planning and coordination well above the participants on the ground. What other events have been fine tuned, and who is really doing the coordinating?

racocn8 9 Oct 15

Enjoy being online again!

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You could also add how it seems the 9-11 attack was something that Bush and Cheney at least knew about beforehand, if not actually had government agencies involved in aiding with some of the buildings blowing up and coming down, because it would serve their political purposes, of getting Iraq's oil and justifying an invasion of Iraq, along with regime change. You can never be too cynical about how many innocent lives they are willing to sacrifice to get what they want, as well as how much they are willing to lie to get it.

Very much thanks for that because that is exactly what I meant. I, or anyone else nominally versed in that event, would be able to compile a list like those above demonstrating the absurd improbability of the event happening WITHOUT a concerted guiding hand.


I agree with you on all three subjects. Sometimes things are so obvious that it's clear a conspiracy was in place and carried out, even if you can never prove it. So I am very cautious to dismiss every conspiracy theory as baseless, just because so many of them are. It takes critical thinking skills to evaluate each one, which most people lack, as well as the effort to dig beyond the corporate media, in getting the info on what really happened regarding any of these events, because the corporate media long ago quit being responsible and interested in informing us accurately on things. Nowadays, they just exist to support the status quo and spread their propaganda..


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Yes, they had a plan then, and now Trump is trying to stir up his base again to keep himself out of jail.

I agree with you on the second sentence, completely, but I also think Howard is right about the three conspiracies he cites.

@TomMcGiverin That’s my point, sometimes a conspiracy is just a conspiracy. No matter how much others deny it.

@nogod4me Thank you, that was my point.

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