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Well for starters, blackrock ceo larry fink is an self proclaimed atheist jew, which means he claims he is jewish when.he doesn't believe in god, same with zelensky, a self proclaimed gay atheist jew, which doesn't even make sense. Their goal is to enforce communism globally, following their atheist views, of course, just like karl marx, who was jewish, but was an atheist, and rejected judaism. The president of Mexico is also an atheist jew, so is Kamala’s gay husband, who prefers dick over her. 11 out of 12 hedge fund managers, besides Ray dalio, are Jewish, and atheist. You look at trump and his family also has atheist jews, although they were more honest and said we are not Jewish, because that's like me saying im an atheist Christian. Peter Schiff is Jewish, but he is not a communist, he is a capitalist and founded Sovereign man. Not all Jewish people are communists, but a lot of them are, such as Mark Zuckerberg, bernie sanders , the list goes on and on

Communistbitch 6 Oct 16

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CB, ask the Internet; Judaism is a nationality and a religion.

Most people think jewish means you believe in god. So that's weird


WTF, is it possible to use hateful words any more hatefully?
As If another person's sexual orientation or beliefs are any of your business, ever?
Shame on you!

You are missing the point

@Communistbitch No I'm not you threw a bunch of buzzwords that will I suppose trigger morons like you at a bunch of people with can't even read the room....

@annewimsey500 don't get so fixated on gayness, look at the bigger picture


You seem determined to stir something up with this don't you? I saw it posted in another blog here.

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