Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that were posted here by Russian trolls....
Link to news story...
Film feets like the old USSR. It's more like sex and drugs and rock & roll today from my experience. There is plenty of propaganda wars on both sides.
Even when a documentary film called :Russia at War:. made by a Canadain Russian, sponsored by the Canadain Goverment. Was banned by the critics who didn't even see the film. Just like lizard who condemns Russia and who also hasn't experienced Russia today and alway casting Russia as the villain. When US history heros are based on outlaws. And claim a free country backed by black slaves. And created the greatest genocide in human history and still at it. Certainly not a democracy.
Only among the wealthy elite in Russia and even that is being cracked down on. Putin like Trump and other dictators (or potential ones in Trump's case) all want to bring back the bad old days...
Putin is the bad guy and if you think differently you should move to Russia and find out.
I'm on standby to go to my house in Belize. If world war 3 is worse , it's Agentina. US and Russia will be on ground zero. Anything south of the equator has only 6% of the war weapons and military machinery.
@Castlepaloma Well with their new ICBMs I doubt Russia can manage a launch so I think the world is safe... Seems they can't even make it out of the silo intact and as for the rest?... I doubt the warheads have been maintained in at least 30 years so they are pretty much worthless... Kind of like you are.
Don't compare me to the most wasteful, useless and solves nothing ever nuclear.warheads When US cannot compete economically, it moves to military confrontation and the only ones to use nuclear weapons. What ever Russia lacks it has more enough backing from BRICS. Where EUROPE is on shaky grounds with the US on every front. Only 35% of NATO Countries Meet the Group’s Defense Spending Target
@Castlepaloma Such a moron you can't even understand economics yet call others names who do...
And FYI most NATO countries are now exceeding their defense budget targets... The exceptions are those that are having economic issues... or friends of Putin.
If I don't know economics? ,How did I have the largest sand and snow carving company in the world for decades Plus largest Caricature custom and sculpture company in Canada for decades. Hired thousands of people. Can you claim this over achiever economic status?
@Castlepaloma Oh because playing with sand makes you something special?.... Does it teach you the math required to understand economics? or do you taper off with a D- in simple grade school arithmetic?...Children do it at the beach all the time. You know nothing about economics or much of anything else and are an under educated jackass with delusions of grandeur. I could be far more eloquent but I am trying to use simple words for your simple mind.
I had posted the top 10 fastest collapsing countries in the world in 2024. US was on the list and no BRICS countries were. . Plus 5 African countries were on that list.
Too bad,,not enough Americans can take serious criticism about their country. They took my post down. That's why their collapsing will hit them hardest. Blaming game to everyone esle.won't help.
When you build a sandsculpture theme park larger than any other sculpture sculpting materials here on earth, it's a big deal. I Don't need 12 or 16 years of academic indoctrination camps to achieve my 185 international artist awards in 6 mediums that academics can only dream about. . They are more brainwashed than anybody. Based on your destructive pass and no future of optimistism contributions. You have no credit or merits to put me down or be demeaning enoughto to discourage. My road record accomplement now. Or in the future of tiny houses communities, urban farming of medicines and nutrition foods. And same for my artist daughter Speak for themselves. The greatest thrill and determination throughout my LIFETIME is when someone tells me. I can't do it. Your good for that.
@Castlepaloma You just proved with your rant about your pathetic "sand castle theme park" that you don't even understand the concept of economics...
@Castlepaloma "I had posted the top 10 fastest collapsing countries in the world in 2024. US was on the list and no BRICS countries were. . Plus 5 African countries were on that list."
Well now that was an exercise in failure...
Sandcastle preforming art is more then just paying the bills and thriving in life, during all those 50 years. Your jealous with a destructive mind, not a creative one.
@Castlepaloma You are nothing but a old man playing at children's games thinking he is "special" and vastly overestimating not only your abilities but your worth in the world... I can't wait until the last vodka distillery in Russia is blown up by Ukraine so you have to sober up and deal with reality...
Wonderfully retro if you view it as fun. Very darkly true if you listen to another Russian, Leo Tolstoy. "Human nature does not change with the passage of history."
My dad used to say that, he was well read. We had wonderful chats and things would usually end up with human doesn't change.
I wouldn't want to be living in the era of 150 years ago.
In western movies, it even looks worse, like a 1001 ways to die.