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I've stuggeled with whether or not to continue debating in my religious school and among my teachers and peers. Finally I have decided to be as respectful as possible while simultaneously being a little shit. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy stirring stuff up. So today I have brought my own copy of my bible, with tabs keeping track of awful passages and writing in the corners of the pages pointing out contradictions. Got a salty look from my religion teacher

Catnublia 6 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Good on you, I was a little shit throughout Christian grade school too. Spreading dirty jokes, photoedited the teacher to appear to be fucking a sheep, started a game of bullshit bingo by making custom cards with squares displaying the stupid things the teacher would always repeat in class, circled the copyright marks on worksheets they had xeroxed for all of us from the same book (that one kinda sucked cause we wound up having to draw our own maps by hand for geography labeling, because clearly when an expensive private school can’t afford a book for each student and the principles office looks like The Godfather’s, it’s the kids fault), and I scammed the M&M vending machines with cardboard quarter IOU’s until some dummy copycat didn’t cut his out well enough n jammed the machine, alerting the faculty. I also always joked that the principal/pastor was probably fucking his secretary way before any of the adults figured it out. Heard later that it was true n their church split over it ?


I’m a teacher and no one has a right to tell you what to think. Just be respectful of their positional authority and assert your opinion. It will not make you popular, though.


Keep asking questions and demanding evidence!


Good On You!! Keep Them On Their Toes.

Coldo Level 8 May 9, 2018

Great job!


The best way, rather than to argue, is to ask questions. And then to question those answers. There is always a point where their own logic has to turn on itself, when it comes to religion.

Deb57 Level 8 May 9, 2018

There's always a point where logic is willfully abandoned, and the only argument left is "you gotta have faith", or one of my favorites, "if it's not true and you believe, so what, but if it is true, hey, no hell for you and you can't gain weight in heaven". Like deciding to believe something demonstrably absurd is just a thing you can do.


I struggle with that line all the time; do you discuss religion and have there be stress and aggression in work/friendships/etc

I promised my bestie I'd never argue with others for the sake of arguing so I try to keep that promise in mind when talking with others.... but can't hold back sometimes when others push religion even after I ask them to back off


Little shit is the way to go. More power to you!


I could've swear that I have seen this one before.... Was I dreaming perhaps???


Good for you, hon. I've also always prided myself on working within the system.

I work within a system. It can be an awkward dance at times.

@farmboy2017 I'm naturally sneaky, so I find this approach more satisfying than constant confrontation. I think I accomplish more that way, at least that's how it feels.


People segregate that book, acting like it is all loving and peaceful. Plenty of horrors in that story


Let me get this straight. You are an atheist in a religious school?



There you go! Never stop being who you are. Don’t let religion dim your light!

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