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Christian nationalism is ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 19

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How do agnostics feel about the black "No Quarter" flags some right wing extremists are displaying lately? Does it make you uncomfortable, threatened or to feel unsafe?

Would you consider it to be a symbol of divisiveness in a blended community of democratic and republican neighbors? More so than a Trump bumper sticker, for example?

I have a situation in my condo complex, where I've complained about Christian music and literature in the entrance lobby of my building. That material has been removed, but now suddenly this same person (our resident manager) is displaying a black "No Quarter" flag on his vehicle and is being visited by others displaying the black "No Quarter" flags on their vehicles.

Because it's unusual for anyone in my friendly community to create political divisiveness, the black U.S. flag immediately caught my attention and I had to look up what it meant. Since it's on a vehicle always in our parking lot, I want everyone, including our guests, to feel safe, regardless of religious, political, ethnic or gender identity.

In case you are not familiar the "no quarter" style flag, according to articles I've read, Trump supporters have begun flying all-black American flags, in an implicit threat to harm or kill their opponents — meaning nonwhite people, "socialist liberals," Muslims, vaccinated people and others deemed to be "enemies" of "real America."

A no quarter flag is a military flag used to signify that no mercy will be shown to enemies during warfare. It indicates that combatants will refuse to spare the lives of opponents when attacking or defending a location. The no quarter flag communicates that surrenders will not be accepted under any circumstances.

In my previous posts that disappeared, I included an image of the black flag, so maybe that's why it was deleted, because it is a hate symbol? In any case, they are all black, but with the stars and stripes in a dark gray. The decals for vehicles are black and clear.

I also posted links to some articles about them, but I don't want to push it here.

I was just curious what any other agnostics feel about interacting with neighbors displaying these flags. I am a pretty outspoken atheist, as part of my business performing humanist weddings and funerals, and an unapologetic democrat.

I try not to be outspoken in my condo complex, as I feel neighbors are sometimes better off not knowing the religious or political leanings of each other. So, I'm just continuing to be my normal nice self around this guy, while keeping the image of his right wing symbols tucked away in the back of my head. He's ex-military, could very well have weapons in his apartment and has keys to my apartment as part of his job. I do want to keep a low profile around him. He does love his flags and crosses.


Keys to your apartment? That means he has power over your privacy. Yep. I would keep it down low unless you feel threatened. Now that I have a portfolio, I do not wish to confront anyone, anymore. Future confrontations belong to those younger than me. I am just trying to coast to the finish line. Just be safe.

@racocn8 My condo has been in my family for over 40 years. It's the perfect place for me to live at this time in my life. I'm not moving. This guy is a newcomer to Hawaii and only became our resident manager a few months ago, last October.

I'm just keeping a watchful eye out and trying to understand more about the symbols he displays for my own peace of mind. So far, he's very respectful to everyone. One of these days, I'll ask him about his flags, but I'm hoping to learn more about the mindset of those who display them first.

I recommend NOT asking him about the flags. Your neighbors have seen them and likely have the same question. Let the information come to you rather than seeking it out. But also keep in mind that he could be a militia wannabe so casually note his behavior, associations, and other symbols. Do what you need to do for your own safety.

@racocn8 Thanks for that advice. So far I haven't asked him about it, but am just watching what I say in his presence, while also showing him that I'm a caring and fair minded person. (Not that this militia group cares about that, but I do.)

I'm unsure if these new flags would be considered hate symbols or not. There doesn't seem to be a lot of information about them and I don't want to jump to conclusions, but a quick look at his social media points to him being a Proud Boy wannabe at the very least.

While I'm a harmless old lady, I'm likely the most "woke" person in my building so the most likely target if there was to be any targeting of some kind going on. I'm naive, but also curious to learn more, to keep myself and others safe.


Zionism fits.
Or are European heritage white Jews going to complain that's anti semitic whilst they remove the indigenous semitic population?
The "Western" colonisers supremacy is coming to an end.

puff Level 8 Jan 19, 2025

I would go with that. But not too sure about the last line.

@Fernapple It's the "vibe". Our Western culture was arguably superior mere decades ago. The USA was the shinning light, showing the way and inspiring non-Western nations. People wanted to emulate Western democracy's.
But now? We no longer inspire, we bully. Ukraine & Israel tore the moral mask off and showed us for what we are, what we stand for, which morally is nothing. We don't respect sovereignty and the right of other cultures to determine their own fates. We don't attract lesser nations now, we repulse. It had been brewing for awhile but after the sanctioning and moral lecturing of Russia for invading a smaller country, what happens when Palestinians resist the Israeli occupation, as Ukrainian's resist the Russians? The moral hypocrisy of the "West" has been exposed for all to see. BRICS grows in stature as a result.

By "we" I mean the royal "we" eg our nation states that make up "The West" ie Western Europe, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Sth Korea & Japan. I may have missed some but former "West", like Sth Africa and even places like Malaysia, Indonesia and especially the Philippines, are firmly leaning towards the BRICS camp now. As are Arab Western allies. Who knows what the Turks are doing.
I would strongly argue that the last Western European colony was Israel. That is failing and hopefully taking the whole colonising mentality with it. No more controlling/ exploiting lesser nations for their resources so bad luck the capitalist West, BRICS is coming ie a multipolar world where none nor a few nations get to dictate their will on others. Our societies will be pissed off, but the vast majority will rejoice.

@puff Having said that, it is perhaps a slightly American view, since the real support for Israel in Europe is very much slighter than in the US, especially in public opinion. (Governments as usual trail fifty years behind that. )

@Fernapple Plenty in the US not happy with Israel, media just doesn't cover it. Our dickhead politicians in Aust held an emergency meeting this morning on the growing antisemitism..........because a Jewish house of worship got graffitied, probably by Mossad agents.
People are not pissed off at Jews, the Jewish state repulses them. If any wave an Israeli flag in my face, I view that bit of cloth the same as a Nazi swastika and I will spit on the scum.


I'm jealous you can still post. My last 3 posts about Christian Nationalism were deleted by the powers that run this site.

Perhaps answer your comment here with what you were attempting to post, and we can see it that way?


Beautifully said. 🙂

Nice to see you can still get a post through once in a while. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Jan 19, 2025

Yes because all Christians are white people. What an idiot of a woman.

Tejas Level 8 Jan 19, 2025

Bit like all Jews are Semitic aye and all Palestinians/ Arabs/ non-jews are Amalek? Stupid is as stupid does.
Fuck Israel but power to Jewish people, all people. Religious ideology sucks, especially when they form theist states thinking they are the master race and genocide all that don't agree with their retarded BS.

Don't say "White" say Anglo-Saxon or European. Chinese are white too

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