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Atheists who bash Christians...I know many atheists who seem to spend a lot of time, effort and money bashing, making fun of and putting down Christians and other religions, etc., but particularly Christians. We must realize as intelligent beings, that it's an uphill battle, but I fail to see what positive results stem from this kind of behavior.
Wouldn't it make more sense to come across as kind and tolerant?
Don't you think that would potentially sway a believer more?
I dunno...I don't care if you're Christian, Atheist, black, white, green, gay, straight, whatever makes you happy.
I guess I don't see the point...I know Christians in politics can be dangerous, but there are so few ACTUAL Christians in office, it's hardly a problem.
Minds and hearts can be changed passively, just my opinion.

drumreaper 5 May 9

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We are guaranteed freedom of religion. Not freedom from religion. We should all strive to respect each other and protect the rights we all enjoy.

@Bierbasstard I agree with you to some extent in that government cannot make laws that establish a state sponsored religion nor can it make laws that favor one religion over another. I would be interested to know if anyone could truly put their personal beliefs aside when making and advocating for laws. No matter where you come down on the subject.

@Bierbasstard what laws have they specifically introduced that you feel violate the first amendment. I’m asking because I’m truly curious. I’m not trying to put you on the spot or make a point. Because if anyone were specifically doing that, I wouldn’t agree. Regardless of my beliefs.

@Bierbasstard other than the prayer in school those things aren’t inherently Christian. Or not Christian. I’m a Christian and I support marriage equality, for example. My issues with abortion have nothing to do with my faith. As long as children are not being forced to participate in prayer or any religious ceremonies, what’s wrong with those who want to pray being able to? How is your forcing me not to pray ok, but my simple act of prayer not ok?

@Bierbasstard I’m sorry if I misunderstood. I would not support any policy that made it a requirement that schools have a period of prayer, however, I wouldn’t have a problem with schools allowing prayer should an individual choose to participate. I wasn’t aware of any legislation specifically mandating prayer time.

I think you are correct about people using religion to further agendas and spread hate. This makes me extremely sad and sorry for the victims. Unfortunately even though this is not the normal behavior of most Christians, these are the things that make the news and reflect badly on the whole group.

That being said, I’m still not sure how that applies to separation of church and state? Individuals protesting peacefully (as long as that is what it is) is very different than one of representatives enacting laws that violate our rights.

@Bierbasstard i agree that a person can be good without religion. It’s not something I personally look at when deciding who to associate with in my life and i don’t really put myself out there as a Christian. If you asked me, I’d tell you I am, however I wouldn’t and don’t introduce myself “Hi, I’m Christie. I’m a Christian. “ ?. Anyone can say they are. Doesn’t really mean much if that’s all it means to you.

I live in a pretty rural area. Very low income for the most part. Not a lot of resources. They do tend to use the schools here after hours for lots of different community events. And i guess I don’t have a problem with a church or reiigious group using them as long as the use is open to all groups. I.e. not only to churches.

I know here, in my specific county, churches host free dinners, esp in the winter time, and those are generally held in schools. Anyone is welcome and there is no sort of religious program or preaching or handouts etc. I can’t think or I’m not aware of any other sort of religious or church events held in schools here, specifically.


We are guaranteed freedom of religion. Not freedom from religion. We should all strive to respect each other and protect the rights we all enjoy.

Are you saying that people with no religion are less protected by the Constitution? Would you be ok with that?

@CallMeDave I absolutely would not be ok with that. And I do not think that means that a person who choses not to participate in religion is any less protected. I think freedom of religion includes the choice not to participate. My point was that you aren’t guaranteed to never be exposed to it. Never be around it. Because at the same time i have a right to also practice my religious beliefs.

@Christiep77 Gotcha. I wish Christians as a whole were as willing/obligated to hear our views, without screaming heretic and running away.

@Christiep77 Gotcha. I wish Christians as a whole were as willing/obligated to hear our views, without screaming heretic and running away.

@CallMeDave so do I. I wish this would happen more in general. I don’t feel obligated but I’m certainly willing to listen. Ive learned a lot here.


Well, i think one of the main reasons for this is that a lot of us have suffered psychological damage as a consequence of the more extreme versions of christianity. Therefore we lash out when we understand where all the problems stem from. I am mostly past that stage, but still ponder: what is the correct response to people who describe how horrible they think you are and detail how their god will torture you forever?


I personally don’t give a shit what anyone believes, so whatever happens in a given situation varies. I’m content knowing that people are stupid. Fucking planets, with their overpopulated trash and their parties.


Wouldn't it make more sense to come across as kind and tolerant?


It makes more sense to be kind and tolerant.


these atheists may as well be religious the way they also run there lives around it.


You're right, and it doesn't work. In fact, it backfires. You can't insult someone out of their religious beliefs. It just makes them not want to be like you.


I joined a FB group for “The Thinking Atheist.” A lot of posts are funny memes or personal questions. But a percentage are really nasty, hostile, unpleasant, angry. Not sure if I will stay a member and ignore the nastiness or just drop the group.


No class people come in all belief systems.


I agree. Verbally bashing Xians is just mean spirited. We must be a good example of who we are - whatever that may be.

We should always respect the person but their beliefs are another story.

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