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I always hear that there is no way to solve all the problems of the world and the reason is no one wants to confront the real problems which are religion and large corperations. There has to first be complete seperation of church and state. Getting rid of all references to any supernatural, imaginary beings, etc, such as, "In Gold We Trust." No theocracies in the world. One term limit for all elected officials, thus they cannot be reasonably bought off as they don't have another term to look forward to. Corporations could not have any communication with any ellected officials except thru the written word. Of course with the present system they would never pass this law as they in a sense would be firing themselfs. We would have to have a whole new political party to ever get any of these ideas passed. Never ever having elected officials bring up religion and never ansewering any questions about their religious beliefs to the press or public. Eliminating any connection to countries that don't allow the basic freedoms to all. Religion has hindered any and all scientific research for thousands of years. Can you imagine the trillions of dollars and trillions of man hours wasted on religion , which if this money and time was devoted to science, we would have cured most every disease know to man.

Kfred1560 3 May 10

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The Cruzades, Jihad all in the name of religion did and do kill lots of innocents in the name of religion. Most religious people are hypocrites anyway. They preach one thing and behave the opposite way.

So true. I feel like I'm involved in some satire movie that is going on in government, I can only hope it don't get anymore crazy. Not many of us in the Reno area?


All ideas headed in the right direction … though won’t hold my breath till we get there 😉

What I’ve been attempting to do is listen for ‘the political & civil rules’ of other nations regarding these issues that appear to be working - and wonder if their success couldn’t be copied ‘over here.’ But since the angry block no doubt feels that ‘We’re #1!’ … so how could anything not conceived of or implemented here first be worth considering..?

And, if I learn of another nation.. convince my ‘kids’ to move there, then come get me 😀

Varn Level 8 May 10, 2018

You are absolutely correct, as this is something that will slowly evolve. We have come a long way since the inquisition, more and more people are supporting non-religious ideas. Most of northern Europe is now secular and it is growing in the US. Though it's up to us. How many of you shy away from religious discussions as they feel they will be shunned, asked questions they do not know the answers to? I love a conversation with anyone that will talk with me as, I know those people believe in imaginary, supernatural beliefs and have no evidence for whatever they say. I always start the conversation with "I am a born again Atheist" which continues from there. I've been threatened a couple times, have vulgar mail sent to me and I have as yet to have anyone who would continue the conversation with me, they just say "I will pray for you" . I then bring up the Templeton foundation that studied prayer and it proved praying has no effect on anything. Remember 50 years ago when if you were Gay you would have to live in the closet, now look they can be elected to office and become part of our community. That is what we have to do and eventually an Atheist will be something to look up to. Don't be afraid, just do research so you know what you are talking about. There are thousands of web sites that can give you all the ammunition you need to debate with. Islam is another longer problem to solve and I feel, eventually be, by isolation and immense finances from wealthy secular people, and corporations spending billions thru internet, radio, media even dropping billions of leaflets over those countries that are behind the religious curtain. I am a life time member to the Freedom from Religious Foundation, of Madison WI and encourage those that can afford it to it $0 for a lifetime membership, though well worth it as they are the main supporter of the separation of church and state in the US. Don't be afraid or country is at stake.


Taking everything in me not to make a MCU joke

I don't paint religion as the absolute reason for "all problems" but I agree many of the issues we face in America at least would probably be solved with true separation of church and state....... though I don't see how that's ACTUALLY possible

Don't understand MCU joke. Remember the whole world once thought the earth was flat. Possible with a complete new political party being elected.


It depends on what you think the "problems" are. Some "problems" have an equal force pushing back on you, and they think you're the problem and not them. Take for instance religion. That's not a good example of equal force because they outnumber us most likely, but I hope you get my drift.

There is no comparison between the analytical mind of a true educated Atheist and someone that still believes in Santa Claus.

@Kfred1560 Except in the real world, those who believe in Santa Claus can have a major practical effect on you.


Religion and corporations are not the problem, they are just a part of the problem. The problem is way more complicated than just these two things. It’s very, very, beyond comprehension complicated, and that’s probably why no one wants to tackle it at once.

One step at a time.

We are slowly tackling the problem.


I don't agree with the concept of term limits because learning the ins and outs of government is complex, and if someone stays in office only one term, they never really learn to be effective at their jobs. However, with the development of videoconferencing, it should be possible for elected officials to do their jobs while remaining physically IN the districts that elected them. That way they are less available to lobbyists and not as likely to fall into the arms of the various temptations that life away from home offers. I agree with the idea that corporations (and lobbyists, I would add) can only communicate with elected officials via email, letter, or youtube video (so that the public at large can also see the message). The problem with my ideas, as well as some others that relate to simplifying government, is that government is required to solve complex problems. No one person can understand policing the internet, foreign policy, military expenditures and activities, environmental preservation and pollution prevention, etc., etc. Perhaps we should be electing officials who deal with a specialty and not a geographic region. That way the people looking at and sponsoring proposals know what the hell they are talking about, and lobbyists and corporations lose some influence because they don't control access to information. I just came up with this idea so I haven't had a chance to think about all the pros and cons yet.

The only thing most of our present congressmen understand is and power. How much education in government did our Founding Fathers have?

@Kfred1560 I wasn't thinking about education re: how government operates. In fact, I didn't say anything about education at all, so I don't know how that topic emerged.

Also, the founding fathers existed in a very different environment, so I don't think that's a valid comparison. The number of issues they had to make decisions about was much smaller than what our legislators deal with today.


So well said! I would like to add that contraception should never be outlawed and should be given wherever it is needed and requested. Overpopulation is a serious problem denied by religious institutions. Then there is the competition to produce a larger population than their enemies: e.g. Israel vs. Arab neighbors. Each wants to out populate the other. Then certain religions outlaw contraception and encourage their flock to populate. Then these religious followers claim there is no global warming and that God will take care of everything while the ice melts and melts and melts. Meanwhile oil companies keep on thriving.

I would like to add that big corporations like Monsanto have found a way to own our food. There's a solid market there. Just spread their Frankenstein science and make people believe that their GMO"S/Glyphosate products are necessary to feed the emerging population...that organic proponents are wrong. Not only do they get fatter and richer, but they aid the Pharmaceutical industry...keeping the population nice and chronically ill thinking they need more and more "medicines" to stay partially alive. That's a great market for them. Then when cancer kicks in...Wow! then there's a big windfall of money. That's the jackpot. You do get to see many executives of these companies at holistic hospitals when cancer gets them, while they denounce them and some actually murder holistic doctors. So far, to my knowledge, 85 have been murdered.

My advice is to get smart and eat organic and for heaven's sake, do not use Roundup on your lawns Workers in the fields where roundup is used have an epidemic of Hodgkin's disease. Do you need this?

Buckminster Fuller declared a prophecy that all our institutions would tumble before a world of sanity would emerge. He said that there is enough knowledge to feed the whole world right now.

Tell that to Pence. Sorry but the Religious right are the most brainwashed, uneducate people on the planet other than the fanatical Muslims.

@Kfred1560 I think that would apply to fanatics in any following...not just muslims. I just don't want to feel prejudiced so I include the whole shebang.


Our problem is that we do it to ourselves and to each other. The solution is Nail Soup (or Stone Soup, depending on which version you heard.

Don't understand the analogy. We seem to cater to our preconceived biased opinions, no matter how crazy.

@Kfred1560 It's an old folk tale in which a rider comes into a village where the people are starving, and he says that he has a magic nail (or stone) that can make soup. Eventually the townsfolk start coming up with bits of this or pieces of that for the soup pot, and everyone eats. My point is that there will never be a political solution. People will have to feel it in their bones that they have to take care of each other. JMHO.


We're already solving all the problems of the world. Your issue is with scope and speed.

Go back 0 years and see if the major complaints of that era still exist today? Civil rights, technology, potable water, available food, health care and life expectancy, there are many places in the world that are strong in any area you can think of and a lot of others that are advancing and some that still struggle, but progress is a process. We are a problem-solving species, problems are introduced, change and evolve and we adapt and overcome. Pollution is a new(er) problem and we've been working to solve that for longer than I've been alive. If I ignore the progress that's been made I could say that pollution existed when I was born, and will probably still exist when I die. But that would be ignoring the growth of the issue, the knowledge around it that has developed, and the successful steps we've taken to approach it.

Regarding politics, we have developed there too. Name the monarchies that still exist based on bloodline? That used to be a thing. There are many nations in the world which have little issue with their system other than sometimes dealing with someone sneaking in, but the system either regulates their power and/or removes them quickly.

One lifetime is not the yardstick for every problem of our species.

I agree, though if people would spend the trillions of dollars and man hour they spend on protecting their crazy ideas, we would have cured cancer and most diseases by now.

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