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It gives me great pleasure to announce that the fundamentalist born again group is going berserk and the Mor[m]ons have severed ties with the organization even as I write this. The Boy Scouts of America is now known as the Scouts of America and they have opened up to allow all to participate. Their corporate identity is BSA, and that remains, but that's just the business end of it.

The born agains retaliated for the Scouts opening up to the LGBTQ a while back by forming their own group known as Trail Life USA with all the indoctrination baggage one would expect.


And just for fun:

evidentialist 8 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I am the minority here; in that I am not happy about this. I would rather the church of LDS become LGTB friendly and remain in the scouts compared to leaving the organization. This will hurt both of them. The mormon one won't have broad appeal and will be competing for a very finite market while the scouts will lose nearly 20% of their membership.

It feels a bit like I am watching a divorce which no matter who was wrong and who was right it is generally sad to see. I am glad the scouts are getting with the times I just wish the mormons would as well.

The LDS Church is not the Scouts and the Scouts are not the LDS Church. They have played a big role, yes, but the Scouts will get along fine without them. As for them getting with the times, they've done it several times so far, they're just lagging behind substantially. Religions have always been resistant to change, but they are all changing at their own pace.


Perfect. Now you got one scout group for people that tolerate LGBTQ and another for folks that don’t. Win win.


Meanwhile, the rest of the world gives an amused smile and gets back to business.


Love the little Mormon jab in there.Yeah, they're all flipping out over this.

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