Has anything ever happened in your life that challenged your atheism and made you consider going back to god and religion?
No, not even several brushes with death. They have in fact strengthened my doubt of all things religious.
Not a chance. Jesus would have to appear out of thin air, before my very eyes. And, even then, I'd probably still think it was a trick.
No but have had some super odd coincidences that some refer to as "godwinks", but i attribute it to my mind being open to that awareness of patterns. Idk, it does make me wonder, some of them, but would never get me back into a belief in god and certainly not religion.
If there was some otherworldly parallel universe at work tripping me out am not going to give god credit for it. If god exists(notice i didn't give a gender) it will just have to understand why I think the way I do. That its believers helped shape me into what I am today.
The farther I get from the time I believed, the harder it gets to fathom how I ever believed to begin with. It's like I was hypnotized (or brainwashed). It just seems totally ridiculous to me now. I see otherwise intelligent people who say they believe and I just don't understand it.
If you think about it for 2 minutes with a rational mind. A talking snake in a garden talks 2 people who have no knowledge of good and evil into eating the forbidden fruit. This condemns every living person afterwards into permanent torture, and the god can't save them unless he changes into a human and sacrifices himself to himself.
How does that resonate with anyone?
Wanting my life to have more meaning after I realised that I'd pretty much done everything I'd wanted to in life.
I never had a religious past to go back to. I never viewed death as some alternate mental state to either love or endure. The fear of death or the close calls I had did nothing except to make me a little more careful. I take comfort in the fact I will not exist at some point.