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He Wondered Why He Was Caught.

Coldo 8 May 11

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It could be that living conditions in an American prison was a step up from what he dealt with in his home country. meanign he really wasn't tryign all that hard not to get caught.


Well, some of the security guards at some airports are not the full quid, at least he had a go, he, he.


I think all drugs should be deregulated, as it is in Portugal, with positive results.

Think of all the cancer patient lives that could be saved if they could buy or grow high THC cannabis to make cannabis oil.

BBC News - Growing evidence that cannabis oil can cure serious diseases like cancer []

Think of all the depressed people who could be cured if they could take magic mushrooms.

BBC News - Magic mushrooms can 'reset' depressed brain []

Agree 100%

There's no money in actually helping the people that want help especially if you can't bring up POC on trumped up drug charges.

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