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"What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander."
If a man is socially tolerated doing something, what about a woman? ,,,, and vice versa!
(especially if it's "naughty".)
Obviously, certain things, like childbirth, are a woman's exclusive field, but ...

Petter 9 May 13

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I believe it's womens breeding capacity that give us the shity end of the stick when it comes to social sexual norms. When it comes to sex men are the offense women are the defense. the sexual double standard is so deeply embedded in the fabric of our society it's going to be very difficult to get rid of.

During the sixties, and the era of the liberating contraceptive pill, I thought everything would level out. How optimistic I was!

@Petter yep! Things haven't changed that much. Just pitiful


Legitimate question until some asswipe shows up and start splitting hairs.

Thank you. I'm all in favour of complete parity.


why is it always referred to as naughty?

Probably because it's not being "good" in the judgemental world of straight-laced society, so we must be regarded as children.

@Petter your right but its ridiculous. I call it fun myself.

@LeighShelton Have fun!

@Petter every opertunity


it should be an even playing field

Precisely. Why should only one sex get all the fun?

@Petter to me its only fun if your both enjoying it

@LeighShelton If you're not both enjoying it, why start.


You mean, like a bragging sexual predator who is racist, praises Nazis, insults the handicapped, attacks our own US allies, lies 200 times a day, etc. is fine, but a female comedian who jokes about it is vilified on social media?

One of many instances of this social bias.

Exactly!! Thank you for that.


Sorry Peter misunderstood that. My apologies.


Madeira sauce.

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