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This is a screen grab from SKYVIEW. It's an app that let's you see the cuurent sky in real time.

You can locate stars, planets, nebulae, etc. It's pretty cool. I have it on my tablet and can take take it outside at night and identify stars and even constellations.

Condor5 8 May 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Glad you like it, it's a free app if you're interested.


I have this app on my phone the sky map, skyview free, ISS detector Earth , earthquake tracker love them to bits very interesting

Rosh Level 7 May 14, 2018

Imagine if another planet with life on it like Earth is out there, and they have an app which maps the stars and we are one of the stars on their map.

And if they asked the same question...

Well, if we're a star to them, their way of looking at the cosmos would be interesting.


Stellarium! Similar app that I can vouch for. It costs a tiny bit for the app but to download it to a computer is free.

There are mac, PC and Linux versions available



I have that also-the theme music is trancelike!


Some native Americans gave a talk at the planetarium in Boulder. They had their own constellations and stories that went with them. Wonder if this ap can implement a switch between systems, instead of always showing the Anglo version.

I have no idea if that's possible, but I doubt it.


Great program for astronomy!

Marz Level 7 May 14, 2018

Neato burrito! Thanks for the share!

Pnky Level 3 May 14, 2018

You're welcome.






Pretty cool...

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