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I'm certainly in no way religious, but I ghost hunt, occasionally with some pretty impressive results, so I can't claim to not believe in an afterlife. Are others out there in the same philosophical boat?

Don9992 3 May 14

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I'm not trying to anything here. I'm just interested to hear reactions to the idea.


I believe in ghosts. I believe in Santa. I believe in wizards and witches. I believe in God, Satan, demons and angels.

That being said, beliefs are giant generalizations we create in the absence of evidence... or when the evidence shows the contrary. So I believe in something that's not real, and I know it. But I love the stories. I love ghost stories, Christmas stories involving Santa, Supernatural, and when I watch them, I accept the premise (so long as it's well written).

Now, since I believe in them, that means I am aware they're not true. If they were true I wouldn't have to believe in them. I don't believe that the earth is round, or that the sun is ninety-three-million miles away... I don't have to... They are. The goal is to go 'beyond' belief. "Consciously" use our beliefs for our own fun, but know they're not real.'


No, I think ghost hunting demonstrates that one is preconditioned to finding evidence, and given that, their minds, and gadgets that were made for entirely different purposes that have nothing to do with ghosts, it's quite probable that they'll find something they think is ghostly.?

JimG Level 8 May 14, 2018

I remember years ago when I was staying in my grandfather's house, a very old stone building with creaky floorboards on the edge of Bodmin Moor in Cornwall, England. An area well known for haunted houses and strange occurrences. I was woken up in the early hours of the morning by a high pitched rasping noise coming from the other side of my bedroom.
It was a moonlit night and I could see a little way in front of me so I slowly got out of bed without turning on the light and made my way, a little fearfully, to the source of the sound ...
My grandfather's dog was lying, stock still, stretched out on the rug by the, now cold, fireplace. A strange odour permeated the air.
Suddenly, the dog sat bolt upright and, lifting his head, he opened his large mouth to reveal his sharp teeth which gleamed in the moonlight. Staring straight into my face, he howled eerily, sending a shiver down my spine and lifting the hairs on the back of my neck.
All at once, I heard the high rasping sound again and I realised that the dog was farting.

Athos Level 5 May 14, 2018

I would like to understand better how you do not believe in an after life and ghost hunt.

Read it again. I said I can't claim to NOT believe in an afterlife.

@Don9992 Thank you it was my misunderstanding.


it sounds like you enjoy it and like some one else sais, none of us know FOR SURE. I have never witnessed anything supernatural. However, I'm an empath and i get a lot of static from the living. i have persistent, very strong feelings that my husband is close. He's been dead 17 years, but we were soulmates. who knows?


Unexplained noises and sightings or reflections are not logically connected to ghosts. You've heard of the God of the Gaps. These are the "ghosts of the gaps." We can't explain something so we attribute it to ghosts.

Better minds than mine have been unable to prove their existence so I'm not about to try. It's just that when I dump my recordings onto the computer the day after an investigation and hear unaccounted-for voices responding to stuff I said or have something in appear in one of several pictures I've taken in quick succession but not the others, there has to be something there. Guess I won't know until I pass away myself.

@Don9992 Weird, yes. One experience I will share, however. Once when I was a teenager, I heard very clear unaccounted-for voices. Scared me for a few seconds until I realized I had left my guitar amplifier on and it was picking up ham radio signals. Turned it off and the voices went away. Not that unusual for electronic equipment to pick up radio signals if the frequency is right. Have even heard of mattress springs acting as an antenna. As for photographs, I simply don't trust them. Sometimes you get weird lighting effects. Other times a double exposure produces double images that look "ghostly". This is much more likely to happen if you take pictures very quickly in succession.


Need proof to believe in anything.


Remember, religion in one form, is man's attempt to explain the explainable...If any one is truly honest with them selves, they would know that we don't know everything....never will. Those in a big hurry to know everything are also the people who jump on 'band wagons'...religion is the biggest one. I tell people I am part Atheist part Buddhist, which really throws them...hahaha, but true. I too believe is ghosts, the undead (spiritually speaking) the restless, fighting and confused spirits.


I don't really believe in either one because I've never had an experience with either nor seen credible proof. However, there are lots of experiences I haven't had. I don't count out the possibility existing just because I haven't experienced it.


I believe there is something going on but I wouldn't put a name to it.


I don't believe in ghosts or an afterlife. That being said, I LOVE ghost stories and my family has its own stories of peculiar events. I would go on a ghost hunt given the opportunity.

Me too, @pixiedust I have a damned library of supernatural horror, ghost stories, and local legends. It's fascinating as hell, and it provides great insight into the human mind, but I believe none of it.


I’m not sure what I believe about ghosts...didn’t believe at all, until I moved into a house where strange things happened and were seen/heard. Over a seven year period, we(then-husband and my kids) repeatedly saw the figure of a woman. From outside, we had reports of a woman looking out the window; crying could be heard inside the house, but never outside. Visitors to our home, who didn’t know anything was going on) reported sightings. Also, chairs rocked, electronics malfunctioned, and items got moved around.
It was strange!

@McVinegar No, she was in the hallway, was seen walking across the living room(that was by a guest who didn’t know; he thought she was real)...very often seen kneeling on the floor beside my bed. Just looking at me. Very often my kids would wake and say that ‘the lady is in our room again.’
My ex from then, when we were dating, left one night after a date. I turned out the lights and got in bed to read. A bit later when he called to say goodnight, he asked me why I had not waved back to him? I asked when? He said he was at the bottom of the driveway, when he saw me pull the curtain aside to look out; he blinked his lights and waved, but I must not have seen him. So...that’s when I had to tell him: it wasn’t me you saw!
None of us ever saw her actually outside, only in the house. Or at the window, looking out.
I had forgotten how creepy that was, lol. You kinda get used to it!

@Bierbasstard Same kind of thing in that house. One example, i had a set of Corelle dishes, the white ones. One of the bowls was badly scorched from setting it on a too-hot burner; it was usable but unsightly, so I always put it at the bottom of the stack. I’d go back in a few hours, next would be on top. Things disappeared and reappeared too. Not noises, as often, except the rocking chair. We could hear it creaking as if someone had sat down in it. But, nobody was there.

@McVinegar I wish I knew. She was dressed from the early 1900’s. The house we lived in had been built in the 1970’s, but an old well and broken foundation stones were on the property. Not sure what happened to the previous house.


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