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What's worse? Misandrism or misogynism? They are both rampant in US!

Humanlove 7 May 14

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Gender war, like all wars, is costly, destructive and there are no winners.


That's like asking whether it's worse to get kicked in the nuts or kneed in the nuts.

As a guy, I really couldn't give less of a crap about misandrists. If you are a woman who hates men, you can pound sand in the other direction as far as I'm concerned. My life is better off without you anywhere near it.

As for misogynists, any guy who believes that an adult woman does not have the right to equal pay and opportunity in the work place and the right to make her own decisions regarding her own body isn't worth my time either. Men like that are living in the past, and if they had their way we'd still be living in log cabins and tilling the ground with mules.


Misogyny is deeply imbedded in society at a systemic level. Individual people or actions can be biased against men but they don’t contribute to the ongoing sexism in our society, that routinely treats women as lesser, as objects for male use/pleasure, and of lower value as human beings.
The default of most things in society is still male. There is a presumption that maleness and the way things “have always been done” is innately superior. So, while misandry is not nice and is harmful, it does not happen on a scale that systemically disadvantages men the way that misogyny does.

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