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I don't mean to start anything, but it seems to me, as an agnostic, that it takes as much faith to say there is no god as it does to say there is. Thoughts?

monstrslyr 4 May 15

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56 comments (51 - 56)

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If there is nothing to think about, there will be no conflicts about it... agnosticism and atheism are one way streets...

blzjz Level 7 May 15, 2018

I really don't think so. There is substantial evidence backing up the evolution based theory of how we came to be (among other things). If it is true it directly contradicts the way this is explained in any religion that I know of. I am fairly certain in my conviction that there is no higher power controlling any of this at least not any of the ones humanity has dreamed up or anything similar to them.

MsAl Level 8 May 15, 2018

If I tell you I can fly and you say 'no you can't' do our opinions have equal validity? Until proof is produced it's a fact there is no god- the same standard I'd hold for the tooth fairy.

I don't think "fact" comes into until the basis for a statement is indeed provable. "Until proof is produced, it's a fact..." Is fundamentally flawed.

@lkahleski maybe not. We, as humans, cannot and will never be able to prove any god exists so by our standards I think we can call it a fact. Just in the same way that it's a fact unicorns don't exist. If there is a god and he choses to reveal himself to everyone then we can re-evaluate.


Firstly those making the claim would have to define what they mean by god, but yes: anyone making the claim would have the burden of proof, yes.

I don’t think an agnostic would suggest there is no god, by definition of the word: agnostic.

KenG Level 6 May 15, 2018

I am agnostic and I say the same thing.


Not faith, logic. ?

But it's logic without proof.

@Kojaksmom it is almost impossible to reply to such a nonsense statement without appearing rude so i will bite my tongue ?

@SimonCyrene logic is not infallible.

@daylily it will always be controversial. To state that you know there is no God is a positive statement. To say that you don't know if there is a God ,or something like a god ,that is beyond our comprehension is a negative.

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