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It's a mystery. Maybe we just have to step up in the war department, do our bit to make the world a worse place to live.

Surfpirate 9 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Religion has killed billions. The religious madmen always think they have the right to murder all those who don't believe exactly as they do.


I blame those agnostics who won't make up their mind.

We are the worst.


Really? Does the name Kim Jong Un mean anything to you? How about Putin who started his career as an Atheist? Hitler himself was considered irreligious. According to Lenin communism meant Atheism. So, how exactly did you come up with this fantasy? Power is power is power. It doesn't matter who wields it.
Here's another questionable character: The Donald.

I was wondering who was going to be the first to drag out those few contradictions in an ocean of religious wars. It's a meme and while it isn't the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth it is indicative of the state of the world.
Doug Stanhope is a comedian by the way, try to lighten up a bit, laugh a little, it might do you some good.

The original post I believe was meant to be humourous, and not taken seriously.
As for some of your points, Hitchens explains the religious aspects of both Russia and North Korea, (I'll attempt to find it), and as for Hitler, he was a Catholic, his soliders wore belt buckles with the phrase "Gott Mit Uns." (God with us.) And add to that, one of quite a few quotes from Mein Kampf, "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." (p. 65)

It irks me to see the communism = atheism; therefore = evil.

Communism saw religion as merely pandering to the 'lowest class' and since communism is ALL about class struggle they sought to undo that refuge of "pity party" by ousting the pandering of religion in order to put things, on what they saw, as 'equal' ground. The proletariat can no longer be veiled by the pity of religion if there is no such veil. With this, they're just as vulnerable as the bourgeoisie.

Hitler was and will continue to be a confusing ass-hat. Putin is quickly proving himself to be a new form of ass-hat too. To equate them as any form of anti-theist runner up is akin to saying the founding fathers of America were bible thumping Christians.

Kin Jong Un will twist whatever rhetoric he has to in order to subjugate his people. So I don't take anything he says with a smidgen of credibility. I find the peace talks occurring now to be motivated by nothing more than the lack of integrity of his nuclear test mountain than any supposed ulterior motive.

Can't tell is legimate post, or mere "concern troll" post.... The donald is as any politician. A two faced bullshitter that has fooled the American populace to, once again, vote in their own worst interest. I despise both the red and blue parties and fantasize often of their swift demise.

It's okay to comment in earnest even on a 'meant for laughs' post. Also, I don't care for Hitchens' justifications generally. There is no way anyone is going to tell me that Atheists are somehow purer than religious people. There's a lot of diversity in any group.

Further to my reply. Hitchens explaining the "religious" state of North Korea.

@crazycurlz Well at least you still have your sense of humour. Try not to be too earnest, as the saying goes 'Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.' 🙂

@BeardedWonder Communism in theory is not a bad philosophy at all.The beliefs of communism,by Karl Marx "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Karl Marx. This would ensure the needy were looked after and the .01% didn't own the wealth of the world.
If everyone was a humanist, it would work quite well. Unfortunately it doesn't matter what political system, corruption reigns because the people that claw their way into power are the sociopaths intent on power instead of humanists.

It is the amygdala, the primal or lizard brain, which causes humans to resort to tribalism and this primal emotion is the true cause for prejudice and violent reactions to the "other". I suspect even without religion there would have been and would continue to be war, hate and strife.

@Number6, @Surfpirate I have a happy existence now. It won't stop me from speaking my mind. Also #6, regarding Hitchens, you have offered him as a resource and I will view the video because you are a fellow member here, but in general, I don't like nor agree with much of Hitchens.

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