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If Conservative Evangelicalism Gets Its Way

Thoughts? Are you concerned that we are on such a path?

"Make no mistake, what we see unfolding before our eyes is nothing less than the manifestation of the dsytopian dreams of much of conservative Evangelicalism. No matter how much they might sprinkle it with spiritual glitter and dress it up with stage lighting and smoke machines, the finish line of their faith understanding is a violent Armageddon that ushers in a kingdom where anything that does not prosper white, male, heterosexual, conservative Christian power and privilege is eradicated from the earth."

from The Christian Left:
If Conservative Evangelicalism Gets Its Way

SeekingWisdom 6 May 16

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It certainly seems the conservative religious people have the upper hand. But, they are also loud and most are...unrestrained! So they seem bigger than they really are! At this moment in time, they really do have the ‘pulpit!’ But, this will not last for them. There are those middle ground people who are neither conservatives nor liberals and they ‘kinda,’ stick with those in charge, because their beliefs are fluid. Then there are the liberals, both the quiet and expressive people...they will not be stopped! So we must chart our course and never give in...nor give up! Even a short time of anarchy is too long, but it is what it is what it is...change will happen!


A bad thing to be suffered by all. Just the way it was in the old testament.


I am very concerned. Since Trump has been sucking up to radical evangilistic christians, in order to get their voting bloc and the huge amounts of money from the billionaire, ultra conservatives, he is doing their bidding. He has gotten them a promised ultra conservative, religious judge on the supreme court. He has appointed a radical christian as secretary of education, who is trying to enact her agenda to brainwash elementary school kids and destroy public education. Her brother who is thinking of forming a troop to answer only to Trump. He has filled his cabinet with these religious fanatics, has religious fanatics as advisors in the White House, and there are many religious fanatics in the house and senate, who are enabling him. I doubt if Trump himself has any belief of any kind, but is willing to use them as an ends to a means. The trouble with this is that the judges he appoints are lifetime appointments. The people he puts into the cabinet positions are able to do damage that will last for years after he is gone. Theology is a creeping cancer that is eating away at our country, our ideals, our freedoms, and taking us backwards.

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