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Midterms are coming this November 6th
All house seat are up and 35 of the senate seats.
I personally would vote the whole lot out... every one of them. Democrat. Republican. Other. All out. Clean Slate.

Who would you most want to vote out?
Who would you most want to keep in?

TheMiddleWay 8 May 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Every republican

Except Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado who has defended cannabis culture. I can not think of another I would keep in the Republican Party. It is a grave mistake to throw out the baby with the bath water. There are reasonable folks on the Democratic side. The Republican side not so reasonable. By definition they wish to go backwards ie conserve the status quo. That would leave us with out the War for Independence. We'd still be a colony with out the arc of history bending towards justice. Close the patent office again. Lynchings & massacres of the indigenous, unlimited pregnancies,12 hour work days for pennies with child labor paid even less. Learn from history or repeat it per Santayana. Do we teach history at all? Democracy is slow & ponderous. Perhaps that is a good thing.


I think everyone in congress and the senate need to go, both need to be term limited to no more than 12 years in office. also they should have to have medicare for there ins., and actually work atleast 300 days out of the year.


If you are not ardently for Choice, individual rights & protections, universal voting, and separation of church & state in every conceivable way, you are Not getting my vote!


During my lifetime I have watched our "democracy" become more and more a democracy in name only. In the last cycle Mitt Romney made a horrifying declaration...that corporations are people...(to support the notion that corporations should be able to make unlimited donations to campaigns, without the disclosure of the source). The supreme court upheld that notion in a 5-4 party line decision. And the hopes of a more real democracy was dealt a terrible blow in favor of the wealthy. Any support for Dems over Rs is helpful. And having a Dem in the white house when a supreme court seat comes up is vital if we hope to restore power to the people.....not to mention that it would go a long way toward making this less of a government certified "Christian nation". Please do not throw the baby out with the bath water .


The problem in congress is not term limits it's the term. 2 years is not long enough, Presidents get 4 years, senate gets 6 years, and congress only gets 2 years. You never stop campaigning every move you make, in the back of your head you're thinking how will this affect the next election. Doing nothing isn't going to necessarily get you voted out, but doing the wrong thing can damn sure get you voted out. We need to give congress 4 years like the president, so they can actually do something and not constantly worry about the next election. As slow as bills go through, 2 years is not long enough to introduce a bill and see it get to be a law.


If I remember the last election many of the new comers were much worse than those those they replaced. New does not equate with reasonable or good at their job.

gearl Level 8 May 16, 2018

@TheMiddleWay That I could agree with 100%


Everyone wants to say "a pox on both houses" but cannot say why. I am in the Democratic party. I used to be a delegate to the CA State Democratic Convention. The Democrats hold positions that most people believe and want. The GOP has effectively stolen the narrative and repeated lies long enough that most have negative feeling toward our leaders, it started with Reagan, by saying "...the government is the problem" a whole generation found a scapegoat for every failure, personal and public. The evidence has always been the opposite, government has been the vehicle for great positive change.

You have to understand the system, not just what you think you know. All views are represented through caucus. There is a caucus for every constituent. At Convention all caucus' meet and decide what issues need to be addressed by their candidate and which issues can go on a back burner. Understand NO politician can deliver on every issue-this is a democratic system even though it's a republic, the other side gets a say too. Then the issues to be pushed are brought to the platform committee to decide what will go into the platform, for instance, Trump got Russian policy changed in committee (surprise). Again, there is only so much political capital given to any elected official so a reasonable amount of restraint must be given determined by the political climate. This does not mean the issue will be fought against if it doesn't make the platform, it just means it will not be openly debated during the election cycle. This all makes sense, it is fair, it is democratic.


There is regularly a call for an amendment for term limits. The problem with this is that it requires 2/3 of both the House and Senate. Who is going to vote to limit how long they can stay in office? Nobody.

Term limits have a Constitution problem that has never been fully addressed. Who is to tell anybody who else they can vote for? Several states have passed term limits (states rights) but on a national scale you might need a Constitutional Amendment, this means 2/3's Congress and 3/4ths the states. Not a simple thing although I think it would be a good thing. Term Limits would involve a long hard fight that would take up a lot of legislative time, time that could be spent on infrastructure, health care and other reforms. While you will find wide support even in congress for term limits you will find little sponsorship, nobody has the time. And yes, it is difficult for congress to chew gum and fart at the same time, such is the current leadership.


We have a two party system. We might WISH for a more parliamentary power sharing situation which would allow for a strong third or even fourth party, but that's now how our FF set things up. If you want to waste your vote on a protest, more power to you, but there are genuine differences between the parties. Always pick the lesser of two weevils. 🙂


This is said at every election and nothing ever changes. People seem to want to keep THEIR congress person but remove everyone else. With that mindset few are ever removed.


I do not believe there are enough hours for me to ponder this in any way shape or form where I could say I'd wish to keep a single one of those assholes.

I say clean slate. Save none! Purge the ship of rats before the Bubonic Plague takes us all under!

Sadoi Level 7 May 16, 2018
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