Obviously, I am a "misogynist."
Let's review.
A woman posted, on this site, a complaint about men misbehaving.
As a very life-long feminist, and in the current context of men being accused of rape just because they are creepy to even think about asking women to dinner, I was interested in the immediate details of the complaint, expecting to learn something about the issues this women was attempting to draw attention to. And to provide some support to her, and others, about this issue. And to be alert to it so I may be able to respond to those who exhibit inappropriate behavior via posts, on this site and others.
So, I asked the woman for some clarity by way of some of the examples she was alluding to in her post. Instead of this woman responding to the opportunity to expand her explanation and thereby elicit support, she responded that my questions were an example of exactly the problem. And that she bore no responsibility for providing proof to support her complaint.
This triggered my deep inner emotion of "WTF!" I responded with a few words about how it appeared her feelings were hurt and that she needed to work on that.
She then responded with the same missive that she had no responsibility for providing any examples supporting her complaint. Obviously, she does not understand that the complainer/accuser/plaintive bears the burden of proof.
My wife says I am one of the most women-supportive men she knows. But, I am having less and less tolerance of the SJWs, the language police, the stiflers of free speech, and others who demand attention without reason, without facts, and without justification. Those that twist what has been written/said, and attempt to blame others for one's feelings being hurt by the misinterrpreted words.
For me, this has been a sad and disturbing interchange. I have been accused of being a "misogynist" (a word with too many meanings to be useful) just because I asked a woman, who was claiming distress, for clarification of her comments about her experience of local "misogyny." Thus, I am no longer an "innocent." I wish the transition would have been more enjoyable.
AAANNNDD:::: I still have no examples that I can learn from to become less of a boorish man, and a better supporter of equal rights.
Sure do enjoy being alive here and now.
I too, may have been subjected to a "beating" by this person. I find these kinds of things amusing. I briefly checked her profile. It appears she's going through some serious health issues. So, we might all cut her some slack. No excuses here for uncalled for labeling or attacks though. Just thinking striking out at us fellows might be just her venting in frustration at other things.
the one that got me has a one line profile
I think I know the person you're talking about. I blocked her. Life is too short dealing with people who just want to play Sancti-Monopoly.
I do believe in social justice and improving the world around us but just getting combative and snippy is no way to accomplish that.