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No, seriously.. what the ACTUAL fuck is this?

I wish I could have been in the board room to hear this new product pitch: “Ladies and gentlemen of the board, remember all those crates of unsold transistor radios we had in the basement? Well, we gutted them, inserted cheap Paraguayan-made MP3-player components, and sprinkled in Christianity’s own special blend of seven herbs and spices— genocide, misogyny, slavery, racism, incest, unicorns, and batshittery. I present to you... THE WONDER BIBLE. For the mere price of a fully functioning tablet like Kindle FIRE, the Wonder Bible brings substandard audio recordings of Bronze Age idiocy right to your fingertips.....”

filthyMONKEYmen 7 May 18

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Haha, what a piece of junk.


Hilarious! Best example of classic American humour I've read for a long time. Mark Twain would be proud. Bravo! I'll be quoting from this rant for the rest of my days. Batshittery indeed!


My guess is that these sell like hotcakes. The TV ads look pretty enticing for that kind of stay-at-home senior who's thinking a lot about salvation and dying. Somebody's making a killing on these and will sell a gazillion of them. Just not to me.


They already know their customers will believe anything, LOL!


If someone will buy it - someone else will sell it


Well, you know, for illiterate christians.


"As Seen on TV..."

Deb57 Level 8 May 18, 2018
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