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Appropriate, (sadly) yet again. Ugh!

2askjoe 5 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Uh no, how about we blame the liberal left for making our schools gun free zones? Time and time again these mass shootings occur in gun free zones, you never hear NRA meetings or gun ranges experiencing these type of shootings, why is that? The liberal left is toxic, their ideas of "feel good" legislation brings about a culture of death, and they always want to point the finger at others. The part that cracks me up is, the same people who point the finger at the NRA are the same ones that talk about controlling/limiting the world population, and when by some strange occurence they get what they ask for they cry foul. Stop blaming the NRA, how about blaming the shooter who was directly responsible for said shooting. At times like this I get to see just how ignorant the liberal left has become. @Trajan61 @Lancer @NFAguy53

Good reply! I couldn’t have said it better!!

So answer me this: If more guns make us safer, why aren't we already the safest place on Earth--because we damn sure have more guns than anywhere on Earth. Better yet, why doesn't the NRA allow all of their "good guys with guns" members to bring their beloved firearms into an NRA Convention?

@2askjoe absolutely true our crime rate should be zero.

@2askjoe Could you imagine how much worse off we'd be if we had less guns in the hands of private citizens? How many more murders, rapes, and other violent crimes would have occured? Regarding your last question, that was not the NRA's choice to prohibit their members from bringing their weapons, but a decision made at the federal level, and a good majority of the American adult population already knows and fully understands why so. Now, I have a question for you- why do people like you think making public schools gun free zones solves the problem? Please don't tell me any of that nonsense about banning bump stocks and high capacity magazines etc, and those in favor of more gun control are also against even a few teachers being armed. You do realize that so far no measure enacted by the liberal left has done anything to solve the problem with violence in schools, and making them gun free zones surely doesn't help our children any. It's time to stop blaming the NRA and place the blame where it belongs, on those who did the shootings. Disarming people only creates a society of victims, as criminals and deranged folks do not obey the laws. I can only wonder how different Friday's shooting would have turned out if even a few teachers were armed with a six round revolver, a good probability of minimizing the fatalities.

American society isn't any more violent than Australia, England, Europe, etc. The only stopping even more crime occurring is law abiding citizens arming themselves. I know many Australians who wish they could have that luxury.

The Liberal philosophies screw these kids up in the head and then they wonder why they shoot up the schools. It's because they have nothing to live for. In a world where "everyone is equal" some people lose hope. They grow up and learn everyone isn't equal so they resort to primal behavior. But hey, it's not all bad. Darwinian theory is just returning to the US, it's great for data collection. Still an unfortunate loss of life, I'm sure some of those children would have become relatively good people.


That's brilliant! I'm sharing that!

Me too.


Sad but true, and we have the arrogance to call ourselves a great country!



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