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If I see one more thoughts and prayers re gun violence/murder in these new knighted states, I may lose mental emotional stability. How tied in are ideas in "afterlives", god/s and such profligate omission of real, dangerous means of murdering each other!???

BobFenner 7 May 19

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The second amendment was meant for times that the country needs to be defended from hostile invaders to be used by a well regulated militia. As technology changes, so should the laws of our forefathers. No animal will shoot back while it is being hunted.


Change the laws-metal detectors in schools at least.


More school children have already died by gunfire this year than have soldiers. And yet again the response in Washington will be that this is "not the appropriate time" to discuss gun control, much less enact meaningful legislation. How many were killed and injured in Los Vegas before Congress eventually inched towards outlawing bump stocks? We live in a country where twenty six- and seven-year-olds were gunned down and yet lawmakers looked the other way, refusing even to consider standing up to the NRA lobby.

The Texas shooting only makes the headlines - most of this year's other two dozen school shootings didn't - because of the numbers of casualties involved.


That cartoon pretty much sums it up... except that it does make it seem like god may actually exist....




I totally agree with you.....and I'm sick and tired of hearing how regulating guns is not the answer to the problem. No one is stupid enough to think just banning assault weapons will be the "fix".....but for crying out loud - can't we just acknowledge that it could be the "first step"? It will take a concerted effort on the local, state and national levels but looking for that "one size fits all".....or nothing approach? Just lazy....and the perfect excuse to do nothing. And, of course, why would they want to bite the hand that feeds them? This current congress is comprised of some of the most disgraceful bunch of whores I've ever seen. IMHO.


Agreed! It's a bullshit response to make people who are doing nothing about the situation feel good about themselves.


Nothing is going to change anytime soon.

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