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It may be that the reason we haven’t encountered other intelligent life (aside from the deep space and time problem) is that life forms that evolve are so aggressive that they end up using all of the natural resources of their planet and end up killing all life there.

Sorry to tell you this, but we are still apes although we have turned into a runaway species on this planet. We will probably eventually make the commons unlivable and force our planet into the Venus syndrome killing all life here.

DaveSchumacher 7 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I think that one reason we have not encountered other life forms is because we are so primative that other life has no interest in us. I so hope I live long enough to learn that there are other forms of life apart from the earth.


This seems the most likely outcome: []


More likely is that they have already seen our pathetic nature - the greed - the power hunger - the disregard for nature - the lack of empathy - the tendency to genocide - the tendency to religious extremism and they said "No intelligent life here - NEXT!!"


Brightest minds on Earth agree.


That one deserves its own post!! Very good article.


I could not agree more with you. We humans are making dangerous experiments with our planet in order for a few people reap all the benefits. There is going to be a worldwide disaster if something is not done soon. In fact, I believe we already passed the point of no return and my son and daughter will get the benefit of a dying planet, and for what? Money. If the Earth goes south, money will not matter anyway.


I disagree about "we". Our psychopathic ruling elite 1% are running the show

They aren't all that much safer than the rest of us. They might be able to hold out a little longer, but eventually, whatever kills off most of us will likely get to them, too.

@KKGator I have to agree with your comment. The 1% that takes (steal) most of the country's riches will suffer and die with the rest of us. There is no other planet to escape to and if there was one, I doubt that its people would allow us in. We are a bunch of criminals that destroys everything that passes by us. It is very sad to see politicians making decisions that will screw millions in the name of God.

They are among us, this book explained why cooperation breaks down in social systems.


Sad, but possibly true.


Well, you're a depressing guy today Dave.
But, you've got a valid point.
I think this is called the "Great Filter" theory.
Maybe Elon Musk is right and we need to make spreading out into our solar system a priority.

Michio Kaku thinks so too. []


machines will take over fairly soon. [ my guess less than 300 years]


We're well on our way already.


Humanity doesn't deserve this planet. I'm all for our extinction.

@NotConvinced George Carlin once said (I'm going to paraphrase) that one of these days, Mother Nature is going to shake us all off like a bad case of fleas.

@NotConvinced I respectfully disagree. Extinction rates among species has increased to the point where biological background extinction cannot account for it.

@Mikeb56 That's cool, disagreement is perfectly acceptable. Ultimately, I think we're going to take ourselves out, however unintentional it may be. There are enough "superbugs" being housed in labs all over the world, that if released, even accidentally, could wipe out the vast majority of human life. A good portion of the survivors would die off because they have no practical survival skills. Either way, our days are numbered.

@KKGator my concern is the pathogens released by climate change. Organisms that were frozen in the permafrost are being exposed.

@ScienceBiker That would be terrific. Unfortunately, you and I both know that's not going to happen.

@ScienceBiker Sorry, sweetie. You know how I am. 😉

@NotConvinced correct that is background extinction. Anthropogenic climate has increased extinction rates.

@ScienceBiker yes we are all doomed. When our star exhausts it’s hydrogen supply things will get rather interesting. Unless of course we become a poly planet species. I’m not holding out for that though we will destroy ourselves way before that happens.

@NotConvinced well the research would agree.
One of many papers.


@ScienceBiker hahaha ?

@NotConvinced yes there was mass extinctions. Five of them. No humans had nothing to do with those past extinctions. No they didn’t recover from extinction by definition they could not. The evidence points to ACC causing extinction rates 1k times that of background extinction. Your initial statement is what I have disagreement with.
Is it ok to ‘thin out’ other species as well?
Are they to be considered as collateral damage?

@NotConvinced my apologies if I didn’t understand what you were saying.


Time will tell.

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