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What is more important to you: Basic human rights (particularly women's and LGBTQ) or the right to practice/respect religious/cultural beliefs regardless of whom they may oppress or hurt? Since they are often mutually exclusive, you may only choose one or the other.

Greenheart 7 May 20

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Human rights


There's no human right to oppress others.


If i answered truthfully people on here may hate me


human rights


Human rights, every time. One's religion does not give the right to discriminate in the public arena.


Human rights. Every time.


I don't think they are as mutually exclusive as people claim. If someone believes they should have the right to oppress others then that should not be protected.

MsAl Level 8 May 20, 2018

Basic human rights.


I just want whatever is going to do the most good and no harm.


Crowley talked a whole lot of pish most of the time, as one might expect of a rather puerile heroin addict, but he was onto something with "Do what thou wilt" - do what you want and believe in what you want, but only if your actions do not prevent others from doing what they want.

In other words, if you are, say, a woman who feels that you ought to be subservient to men because some book written thousands of years ago says you should be or a homosexual who believes you shouldn't fall in love with someone to whom you're attracted because an old bearded man in the sky doesn't like it, then fair play - be oppressed and live a life of misery. However, if you then try to force others who do not share your beliefs to do the same, shut the fuck up. If all religions accepted this, it would be possible to have both.

Jnei Level 8 May 20, 2018

Basic human rights for everyone is a no brainer, as for the other one if it oppresses or hurts someone then whoever is doing it does not have the right to, irrespective of what they may think.


The answer is in the question...

If theists want the right to practice their faith, then this right extends to everyone having their rights.


Basic human rights, but part of this is being able to choose your own "spiritual" path.


Basic human rights.
Fuck religion.

@KKGator You always sit on the fence! lol

@ipdg77 I know! Always just so damned wishy-washy.


You should add a poll! ?

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